Aleksandar Donev <> writes:
> We have a machine now that has both a Titan X (Maxwell) and a Titan V 
> (Volta) card, which have different architectures. My students/postdocs 
> have been running PyCUDA codes but I am not sure if we need to do 
> anything different in this case -- does PyCUDA determine the 
> architecture automatically?
> Based on this:
> the right thing to do is to compile with nvcc and the flags
> -gencode=arch=compute_61,code=sm_61
> -gencode=arch=compute_70,code=sm_70
> Do we need to do anything or will it just work?

Cc'ing the mailing list for archival.

You will only have one context per GPU. PyCUDA's SourceModule (assuming
that that's what you're using) will automatically pass the right arch
flags for the GPU in that context.


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