[pygame] Re: [pygame] [OPENGL]Combining blended and unblended scenes

2008-10-03 Thread 110110010
due to the fact i've been lost in my initialization code, I decided co copy it again from NeHe's 8th tutorial. Now it contains: self.win=display.set_mode((width,height),(FULLSCREEN*fscreen)|OPENGL|DOUBLEBUF) if height==0: height=1.0 glViewport(0, 0, width, height)

[pygame] Re: [pygame] Re: [pygame] [OPENGL]Combining blended and unblended scenes

2008-10-02 Thread 110110010
I belive I've tried it before, but though i tried it again. Both GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA and GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA . All it does for me is it draws fully solid faces. I can't see through them even a bit. As I noticed before, there seem to be 2 groups of dfactor arguments to me: Those which make

[pygame] [OPENGL]Combining blended and unblended scenes

2008-10-01 Thread 110110010
Hello. I am a newbie to OpenGL and I wonder if i can use blended and not- blended objects in one moment. Can you tell me how?

[pygame] Can't use BLEND_*

2008-02-23 Thread 110110010
Hello pygamers :) In my game i needed some light effects and I decided for blending(BLEND_ADD, BLEND_SUB,..). After a long time in which I tried to get it working I decided to google the right solution. Google has found something, but it still didn't work. I've tried to make my own script. I've

[pygame] Re: [pygame] Can't use BLEND_*

2008-02-23 Thread 110110010
Ok, I've installed the new version. I'm almost sure with that.. 'pygame.version.ver' now returns '1.8.0rc3' But it stlii raises the same error. Can somebody help me? I've tried almost everything..

[pygame] Animated Gifs again :)

2008-01-28 Thread 110110010
Hello. I have written this piece of code after some people here told me I have to use the PIL library to make animated GIFs animate: class GifImage: #class which should help with animating GIFs def __init__(self,fname): self.frames=[] self.index=0 im = Image.open(fname) try:

[pygame] Re: [pygame] Animated Gifs again :)

2008-01-28 Thread 110110010
Yes, that was the problem... Thank you for the solution, I'll try it later :)

[pygame] getting what an user has written

2008-01-22 Thread 110110010
Hello. I use this script in a class to get the string what user had written: string.string=u strfont=pygame.font.Font(None,16) for udalost in pygame.event.get(): if udalost.type == KEYDOWN: if udalost.key == K_RETURN: exit=1 elif udalost.key == K_BACKSPACE:

[pygame] Clearing the mouse and keyboard state

2008-01-06 Thread 110110010
Hello again. I've got a question: How can I clear the pressing of a mouse button or a key. I mean I've pressed a mouse button in my game and i want a function to stop the pressed state of that button. (Finally sorry for my English, I'm czech :) )

[pygame] white line on an image's edge

2008-01-03 Thread 110110010
how to draw a white edge around a one-colored image(or rendered font without aa)?

[pygame] Animated GIFs

2007-12-07 Thread 110110010
How to make an animated GIF be animated please (excuse me for my english, I'm not english or american)