---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Scheol Service <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 7, 2006 4:58 PM
Subject: Please hear me out.
To: pygame-users@seul.org

I know that there is a mailing list and etc.. for Pygame support but
there are other people knowing answers to questions to some noobies
like me have and others know the answers and the support team doesn't
always have time to answer right away so im thinking if you can start
a forums based bulletin board on the pygame.org site /forums for
people to help people with there pygame questions. Also maybe use
PHPBB forum software or SMF software:

phpbb.com and simplemachines.org and if you like to spend money try
invisionpower.com for IPB forums.

Please this will benifit alot of people. AND!! It could be the new
deal for the 1.8 release of pygame.

Just hear me out one time. Thank you. And if it doesn't go successful
then you can dont agree to what I have to say. Thank you for reading

Email me back ASAP
Lamonte Harris.(scheols)

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