Re: [pygame] looking for pygame minimal examples

2008-10-08 Thread kschnee
On Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:45:52 +0100, Paulo Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi! I'm looking for webpages could have minimal examples, just like from: . . i'm

Re: [pygame] looking for pygame minimal examples

2008-10-08 Thread kschnee
On Wed, 8 Oct 2008 12:26:15 -0700, Ian Mallett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 8:54 AM, kschnee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: code ## Create an SDL window for graphics, and draw a blue square. import pygame screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600)) pygame.draw.rect

Re: [pygame] recommendation for a good n00b IDE

2008-10-07 Thread kschnee
On Mon, 6 Oct 2008 08:37:52 -0500, pymike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You said C++ on a python list! You must die!* *just kidding ;) Not at all! There's no need in Python to use destructors. 8) I just use IDLE, which has automatic tab-formatting, color-coding, a class browser, and a Run key. It's

Re: [pygame] question about transparent surfaces and alpha-value

2008-09-24 Thread kschnee
Hi List, just want to make sure i got this right, please correct me if i'm wrong: if i have a jpg-file, i can set the transparency with the command pygame.Surface.set_alpha(alpha-value). but if i hav a .png-file with already transparent background, i can not set the alpha-value of

Re: [pygame] Question - Comparing strings

2008-09-04 Thread kschnee
On Thu, 4 Sep 2008 08:29:51 -0500, Charlie Nolan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: def WordSelection(): In Python, we write function names like_this. CamelCase is for classes, UPPERCASE for constants. Everything else gets lowercase_with_underscores. It's just a style convention, but it makes it

[pygame] Sprite Code

2008-08-19 Thread kschnee
I've been looking at my sprite code again and finding a different way than I'd used for loading animation frames. That is, Pygame.sprite doesn't seem to have any way to set up the notion of having multiple frames, and my old method involved loading a single sprite sheet image and finding a set of

Re: [pygame] PyGameDB coming along well

2008-08-19 Thread kschnee
On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 07:49:16 -0700, James Paige [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That reminds me of something I read recently. Apparently the first ever computer program that can play Go with near-human skill was developed this year: Of course, it only beat

Re: [pygame] Re: [OLPC-Games] PyQNet project on Launchpad

2008-07-30 Thread kschnee
On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 13:41:10 +0200, Peter Gebauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi! I don't know anything about network protocols I just found this thread interresting enough to investigate further. Someone mentioned the enet library so I looked it up and it looks very promising. It does

Re: [pygame] Re: [OLPC-Games] PyQNet project on Launchpad

2008-07-29 Thread kschnee
On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 11:06:15 +1000, René Dudfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: For the pygame 1.9+ release we would really like to get networking library routines in :) Something that's simple, and has been used successfully in at least 2 games( 1 by the author, and 1 by someone else) would be

Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading

2008-03-12 Thread kschnee
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 06:59:52 +0200, Toni Alatalo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: note that you are changing y inside the inner loop with x, so when iterating the x values the y is not reset by the y iteration but i guess stays what you define it to be. does this fully explain the peculiar behavior

Re: [pygame] Texture for raycasting engine

2008-03-06 Thread kschnee
On Thu, 6 Mar 2008 16:51:22 +0100, Julia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi everyone! I am currently working on a raycasting engine using pygame for graphics. The engine works great and now I'm thinking about adding support for textures. The problem is that I'm not really sure to with modules and

Re: [pygame] Texture for raycasting engine

2008-03-06 Thread kschnee Here are two tutorials on the subject. I tried making one of these (no textures), but never did fix the fisheye distortion problem. My version was also impractically slow. It looks like it's helpful

Re: [pygame] Texture for raycasting engine

2008-03-06 Thread kschnee
On Thu, 6 Mar 2008 09:59:10 -0800, Ian Mallett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If you're just looking for something 3D, use OpenGL. OpenGL is faster, and has easy support for textures. It is also pretty simple to use. And if you're trying to fly into space, use a space shuttle -- it's pretty

Re: [pygame] Texture for raycasting engine

2008-03-06 Thread kschnee
On Thu, 6 Mar 2008 18:42:25 +0100, Julia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: My problem is I'm not really sure where to start if I'm going to do this with images in pygame. So far I've only needed to used pygame.draw.line() so right now I'm rather lost. This probably isn't the fastest way, but you could

Re: [pygame] Text To Speech PYTTS

2008-02-29 Thread kschnee
On Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:16:26 -0500, FT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: To get text to speech software, or PYTTS, this is the download page for the Text To Speech engine. North Carolina Assistive Technology Downloads: What

Re: [pygame] FreeSanBold Font and Screen Terminating Problems

2008-02-28 Thread kschnee
On Fri, 29 Feb 2008 08:25:46 +1300, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Unnsse Khan wrote: Subsequently, I installed freessansbold.ttf into Leopard and when I re- ran the program, nothing changed?! Even if you manage to get this working on your own machine, I'd recommend you not rely on

Re: [pygame] pygame, almost release freeze...

2008-02-15 Thread kschnee
René Dudfield wrote: Hello, I think it's about time to freeze pygame for release. This means we stop adding in features, and make an RC4 release soon for testing, and bug fixes only. So we'll create some binaries for windows, and mac, and release a source tar ball for testing too.

Re: [pygame] Help

2008-02-15 Thread kschnee
On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:23:53 +0200, Jason Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: btw Mirra is a 2D library, forgot to mention that. Since Mirra is 2D, what exactly does it do that Pygame doesn't? I can see doing a 2D tiled landscape like I'm already doing in Pygame, but having, say, dynamic lighting.

Re: [pygame] PyGame / PyOpenGL Example

2008-02-12 Thread kschnee
On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 23:23:49 +1030, fragged [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey guys, I've been searching for some decent examples of PyOpenGL to help me port my current application to OpenGL to speed things up on my perty new 1920x1200 LCD (Getting about 20fps, using no acceleration whatsoever),

Re: [pygame] layers and/or tiles?

2008-02-01 Thread kschnee
On Fri, 01 Feb 2008 13:37:22 -0600, Gregg Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Obviously, I am not experienced with pygame, but the question, is there something like this concept already built into pygame. Would this be accomplished by a tile? Or, is there some other concept of a rectangular area

Re: [pygame] timing question

2008-01-29 Thread kschnee
On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 11:06:06 +0100, Miguel Sicart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, I'm writing a little text-based game and I have stumbled upon a strange newbie problem. In this game, the player has to input a number of commands in order to interact with the game. I am using raw_input to get

Re: [pygame] BUG: and tiff files.

2008-01-29 Thread kschnee
On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 12:10:50 -0800, Ian Mallett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 1/29/08, Lenard Lindstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I gather does not support writing tiff files. Yet it permits a file with a '.tif' suffix to be written. The file is just in some unknown image

[pygame] Scrolling Tile Engine

2008-01-28 Thread kschnee
I was revamping my scrolling tile engine (ie. code to draw a 2D carpet of tiles) yesterday and thought that a version of it might be useful to others. So: It's really simple. The demo assumes you're also using the art-loading module from the

Re: [pygame] controll supercollider sound engine from python

2008-01-14 Thread kschnee
On Mon, 14 Jan 2008 11:07:30 +0100, altern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi I thought this might be of interest to some of you who need powerful sound engines. This reminds me of PyFlite, a Python version of the Festival speech synthesis system developed at Carnegie-Mellon. PyFlite allows for

Re: [pygame] Collision Resolver module

2007-12-31 Thread kschnee
On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 03:20:43 -0500 (EST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all. Here's a collision resolver module I've been working on. A common problem in 2D games is trying to move a sprite in a direction (deltaX, deltaY) and then discovering that there is a solid object in the new position

Re: [pygame] Split screen question (newbie)

2007-11-21 Thread kschnee
On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 16:33:39 +0100, Mundial 82 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, ok, so I am a bit of a newbie and I am trying to make a split screen game. The idea is very simple: screen divided in halves, top and bottom spaces are wrapped, and not connected at all (think two different

Re: [pygame] board game

2007-11-16 Thread kschnee
On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 08:49:21 +1030, David Gowers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: for x in range (0, numsquares_x): for y in range (0, numsquares_y): thissq = pygame.rect (x * square_width, y * square_height,(x+1) * square_width, (y+1) * square_height) squares.append (thissq) I think he

Re: [pygame] puzzle piece problem.

2007-11-07 Thread kschnee
On Wed, November 7, 2007 3:31 pm, Joseph king wrote: hey it is me again on the same issue. thanks for the help but now i am on to something a little easier if you program a lot. My issue now if you saw the code that i had which i will repost on this.. creating a cookie cutter to cut

Re: [pygame] the game.Mainloop() myth

2007-10-25 Thread kschnee
On Thu, October 25, 2007 4:41 pm, RR4CLB wrote: Take a look at this: Python Library Reference ... __main__ -- Top-level script environment This module represents the (otherwise anonymous) scope in which the interpreter's main program executes -- commands read either from standard input,

[pygame] Py2EXE Error Involving raw_input

2007-10-14 Thread kschnee
I tried to build the little graphics tool I recently mentioned -- the one that makes edge tiles -- into an EXE, and got a strange error. The program runs fine in IDLE and when run directly by double-clicking the source file, but the EXE crashes with the following error (automatically placed in a

Re: [pygame] Tutorial... GUI

2007-09-26 Thread kschnee
On Wed, September 26, 2007 2:07 pm, RR4CLB wrote: I have asked about tutorials and a good explanation on how to place a button or radial button on a page and I can not seem to find a good explanation or location to clearly give those examples. I was given a reference to GUI's and that to was

Re: [pygame] ideas for saving points in games

2007-09-24 Thread kschnee
On Tue, September 25, 2007 12:05 am, Aaron Maupin wrote: I used a dictionary as a container for saved game values and pickled the dictionary. Maybe not the best way but it worked like a charm. I find that in at least some cases, pickling is hideously inefficient, taking on the order of 10

Re: [pygame] You think tic tac toe is a good starter game?

2007-09-22 Thread kschnee
On 9/21/07, Lamonte Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think it might be a great starter game, what about you guys? Only if you combine it with Thermonuclear War.

Re: [pygame] Not sure what to call this.

2007-09-16 Thread kschnee
On Sun, September 16, 2007 6:25 am, Lamonte Harris wrote: Basically lets give a real live example. When your standing up and you move your arm at an diagonal the socket of the bone doesn't move but your arm does, lets put this back to pygame. How would Say if K have a simple sprite that has

Re: [pygame] How come when running games with pygame it takes a load of cpu?

2007-09-08 Thread kschnee
On Sun, September 9, 2007 2:50 am, Lamonte Harris wrote: It gets anoyying, but w/ my 384mb RAM I didn't expect it to take so much cpu. 99% Some times. Generally, a Pygame program will run as fast as the OS lets it, which means very high CPU usage. If you want to use less, there are several

Re: [pygame] [Pygame] Generating a map

2007-08-06 Thread kschnee
On Mon, August 6, 2007 7:06 pm, Jérôme Brilland wrote: Hello, I would like to develop a strategy game using Python and Pygame. I would like to know if it's possible to generate a random map divided into regions with Pygame. Is there a tutorial for this feature ? I don't know of a tutorial

[pygame] Game State Switching Example

2007-07-16 Thread kschnee
I found a better way than I'd done before to switch between the various states of a game, such as a main gameplay screen and a status screen. Attached is some example code. Something for the Cookbook, maybe?#!/usr/bin/python ## (A line needed for proper operation on Linux systems.) State Machine

Re: [pygame] Particle Effects

2007-07-16 Thread kschnee
Giuliano Vilela [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - Blur: How can I make a particle like, leave a trail or so? Not a big trail, something that makes it look like it's blurring the background. Another way to leave a trail would be to keep track of a sprite's last several positions, and blit translucent

Re: [pygame] Using PyOpenGL for 2D graphics

2007-07-15 Thread kschnee
On Sun, July 15, 2007 4:12 pm, Ian Mallett wrote: In your call to glViewport() put in (60,60, width-120, height-120) and draw in the 60 pixel border. Would that work? Not sure, but on further experimentation I was able to adapt some code posted on, to draw a flat array of 100x100

[pygame] Rendering Text By Line

2007-07-10 Thread kschnee
It's pretty simple to split your string on carriage returns (and/or line feeds), create surfaces for each line of text, and blit those surfaces to the destination surface. I'm doing something like that. I haven't yet gotten word-wrapping to work, but the following out-of-context code does

Re: [pygame] Using PyOpenGL for 2D graphics

2007-07-10 Thread kschnee
On Tue, July 10, 2007 8:32 am, Simon Oberhammer wrote: you might also want to checkout soya3d, it handles smooth landscape generation from heightmap, billboards and has several predefined camera-modes. doesn't offer anything to help you with the interface though.

Re: [pygame] Using PyOpenGL for 2D graphics

2007-07-08 Thread kschnee
On Mon, July 9, 2007 12:51 am, Jasper wrote: Using openGL for 2D allows you to take advantage of 3D graphics cards for smooth scrolling and zooming, or to tilt otherwise 2D game boards into 2D. I also suspect that it'll let you handle more objects on the screen at once (especially if they're

Re: [pygame] Re: Tendrils

2007-06-26 Thread kschnee
I pulled out my previous, half-dead hard drive, and found Tendrils there. (If the current archive isn't working for people, I can make a ZIP from that copy and give it to someone with hosting space for it.) The old copy contains the same crack.nfo file, though. Odd.

[pygame] Re: Tendrils

2007-06-25 Thread kschnee
There seems to be a file in the Tendrils package labeled crack.nfo, which when opened in Notepad begins: KR4XX0R3D . . . . \ . .\ BY \. . . . .\. . .\/ [{BaSaLiSk}]\. . @ |.\ / of \..

Re: [pygame] Display-less PyGame

2007-06-21 Thread kschnee
On Thu, June 21, 2007 3:11 am, Charles Joseph Christie II wrote: ika looks pretty awesome... But now I'm all I want to use pygame but this looks really interesting but I want to learn to make my own game engine in pygame but this one is already great bu *head asplodes Crap. I don't know

Re: [pygame] Text-Based RPG

2007-06-19 Thread kschnee
On Tue, June 19, 2007 7:38 pm, Jonah Fishel wrote: def ProcessCommand(current_room): CommandLine processor words = comm.split() if words[0] == 'north': MoveNorth(current_room) About this section: Try typing a blank line as your command and you'll get an error, because words will be a blank

Re: [pygame] Text-Based RPG

2007-06-18 Thread kschnee
On Mon, June 18, 2007 8:57 pm, Jonah Fishel wrote: I don't really have a good enough grasp of classes to implement them. Could I make a RoomManager class? Also you should look up how 'class'es work. Using them would make this easier. Here's one I know enough to answer! 8) Yes, you could

Re: [pygame] Text-Based RPG

2007-06-18 Thread kschnee
On Mon, June 18, 2007 4:58 pm, Dave LeCompte (really) wrote: Other folks have talked about returning values, which is good, but this line makes me uneasy: def command(command, current_room): I'd stay away from using the same name for more than one thing. In this case, you're naming the

Re: [pygame] I have a quick question... again...

2007-06-17 Thread kschnee
On Sun, June 17, 2007 1:36 am, Greg Ewing wrote: Marius Gedminas wrote: I never fully understood the controller part of it; Me neither. I *think* in the original Smalltalk terminology, the view handled output and the controller handled input. But I find that input and output are usually so

[pygame] Smooth Scaling for Terrain Generation

2007-06-15 Thread kschnee
I fiddled with a different terrain generation algorithm, this one based on using Pygame to do something like Conway's Game of Life. That is, I draw some random shapes of grass on water on a 100x100 image, then iterate each pixel through a Life-like process to build a grass/sand/water map. The

Re: [pygame] 3D sample code

2007-06-11 Thread kschnee
On Mon, June 11, 2007 2:05 pm, David wrote: My previous response indicated that the Lamina demo should work with an installed Ocemp GUI. Actually, it will not work with the 0.2 version, but needs the 0.1 version; It needs the dirty-rectangle list from update, to know when to regenerate the

Re: [pygame] 3D sample code

2007-06-08 Thread kschnee
On Fri, June 8, 2007 2:30 pm, Kamilche wrote: Is there a way to render 3d objects out to disk only, and use the renders in a normal Pygame program? Is there any advantage to doing so, in speed, or memory, or anything? Take a look at the program at, Peter

Re: [pygame] 3D sample code

2007-06-08 Thread kschnee
On Fri, June 8, 2007 1:09 pm, David wrote: You're right that you cant use any of the regular SDL drawing functions with OpenGL - or any other accelarated 3D API. You can work with 2D graphics in OpenGL though, by drawing texture quads. If you wrap that in a simplified interface, then the code

Re: [pygame] 3D sample code

2007-06-08 Thread kschnee
On Fri, June 8, 2007 11:29 pm, Richard Jones wrote: On Sat, 9 Jun 2007, Kamilche wrote: Is there a way to render 3d objects out to disk only, and use the renders in a normal Pygame program? Is there any advantage to doing so, in speed, or memory, or anything? Sure, POV-Ray

Re: [pygame] 3D sample code

2007-06-07 Thread kschnee
On Thu, June 7, 2007 2:45 pm, Horst JENS wrote: On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 21:19 +0100, Will McGugan wrote: I've just posted some sample code for using OpenGL with PyGame. Hope you find it interesting. that's exactly what i

Re: [pygame] 3D sample code

2007-06-07 Thread kschnee
On Thu, June 7, 2007 10:56 pm, Will McGugan wrote: You're right that you cant use any of the regular SDL drawing functions with OpenGL - or any other accelarated 3D API. You can work with 2D graphics in OpenGL though, by drawing texture quads. If you wrap that in a simplified interface, then

[pygame] Shining Sea source code

2007-05-30 Thread kschnee
A version with source code: Regardless of the actual license info in those files, you have my permission to treat the code as GPL, if there's anything in there you actually want. The main worldsim thing ( would be the most

Re: [pygame] 'Shining Sea' source code

2007-05-30 Thread kschnee
I had to change all font.render() calls to enable anti-aliasing, to sidestep a bug in Ubuntu's pygame (segmentation faults when rendering non-anti-aliased spaces). The game starts, but I cannot control anything. I believe you mentioned W, A, S, D keys? Nothing happens. When I kill the

Re: [pygame] Buried In Game Ideas

2007-05-29 Thread kschnee
On Tue, May 29, 2007 10:27 pm, Ethan Glasser-Camp wrote: I can't play your demo because I'm running Linux. But I like games where you can explore and discover things. I'm not sure procedurally generating them is the way to go, though. It reminds me of Daggerfall, which was sort of fun, but

[pygame] SVG?

2006-07-25 Thread kschnee
I was reading about Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), a technique that makes graphics more easily scalable between different hardware configurations. Would this system be useful somehow for Pygame?