I'm confused trying to make a filtered & sorted treeview.  Filtering
works... data is correctly displayed.  But sorting does not work.

self.todo_model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT)
# Create a TreeModelFilter to control row visibility
self.todo_filter = self.todo_model.filter_new()
# Create a TreeModelSort to wrap the TreeModelFilter
self.todo_sort = gtk.TreeModelSort(self.todo_filter)
# Set a sort function
self.todo_sort.set_default_sort_func(TaskList.sort, None)
# Set the model in the view to the TreeModelSort

TaskList.sort ---
    def sort(model, iter1, iter2, user_data):
        print 'SORT', model, iter1, iter2
        sort_by = model.get_sort_column_id()
This fails because model is a TreeModelFilter... which does not have a
method get_sort_column_id.... why isn't this the TreeModelSort object?
[that is the model directly owned by the view. 

Does anyone have a working example of a filtered sortable list?

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