
I am creating a custom subclass of gtk.Widget and was looking for
better documentation on creating custom signals.
I have located the tutorial [1] on subclassing gobject and the
pygobject reference documentation [2].

1.  Could somebody point me towards reference documentation for
__gsignals__ class variable?

2.  The subclassing gobject toturial[1] suggests that you use
__gobject_init__() if you are subclassing a derivative of gobject as
calling the derivative__init__() will overwrite your custom
properties.  I assume that this does not apply to custom signals
defined in __gsignals__ ?  I could not detect any negative effects in
my subclass of gtk.Widget

3.  Class closures.  I was looking for a better explanation of the
GObject class closure methods.  Eg from the signals.py source in the
gobject source.

    def do_my_signal(self, arg):
        print "C: class closure for `my_signal' called with argument", arg

This method only appears to be a callback method for the 'my_signal'
signal -- does it have any other purpose?

The tutorial also suggests that class closures are optional.  Under
what conditions are they needed?

It would be useful to link the gobject tuturial from the pygtk.org site.

[1] http://www.sicem.biz/personal/lgs/docs/gobject-python/gobject-tutorial.html


Edward Stow
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