Re: [pylons-devel] Setting translogger format via ini

2016-03-11 Thread Mike Orr
Here's the code. You can see it's short and simple; half the code is just to make it more configurable. Usage: pyramid_includes = accesslog # Settings, all optional access.format = {response.status_int} {request.method} {request.path_qs} access.ignore = /fanstatic /_debug_toolbar

[pylons-devel] Setting translogger format via ini

2016-03-10 Thread Zsolt Ero
Hi, My first mailing list post, as this really puzzles me. I'd like to use a short format for displaying HTTP requests in development mode. Before, I used to have this snippet in my Pyramid app's from paste.translogger import TransLogger format = '%(status)s %(REQUEST_METHOD)s