(If this is off base please feel free to tell me to go back to my
newbie corner and RTFM some more.. ).

I've been working through the pylonsbook tutorial (and thoroughly
enjoying the process).  One thing I've noticed is that there is some
repetition in the way that components are added to a Pylons project.
It seems that the general pattern is:

[1] In your python env: make sure you have the XYZ egg easy_installed
into your python environment.
[2] In your pylons project: add some conf settings to development.ini
[3] In your pylons project: if XYZ includes middleware add something
to config/middleware.py
[4] In your pylons project: if XYZ has some routes add something to
[5] In your pylons project: import some stuff.. (sometimes in places
like lib/helpers)

I know one is usually not adding and removing these components that
often... but as a newbie touching so many conf files was error prone
(I shot myself in the foot several times)... also if you're setting up
projects often seems like it would be nice to have a little
automation.  When I was running through the tutorials I had a couple
"hello world" projects going.. was a pain to do #2-5 on each and to
try out various auth packages enabling and disabling them.

Since I come from apache/mod_python world.. i'm wondering if it would
make sense (or already exists please let me know) to have something
like the apache "a2enmod" command that could streamline #2-5 a
little.  Perhaps this could be in the form some additions to the
Pylons paster commands.

Here is what I mean from a pylons user perspective:

[1] In your python env: make sure you have the XYZ egg easy_installed
into your python environment.
[2] In your pylons project: paster enable-pylons-addon XYZ  (gives you
an error if step #1 wasn't done).

Brainstorming on implementation:

For step #2... development.ini like the apache.conf could support
directory includes (include all files in a specified directory)...  so
there could be directory in addition to development.ini for example a
pylons-addons-ini directory where the "enable-pylons-addon" command
could deposit a file that would get included into the development.ini

Not sure how step #3 or #4 could be automated since the ordering is
pretty tricky... since certain middleware needs to be before of after
other middleware.. perhaps there could be a "run level" concept
introduced here to help group them so that ordering can be automated.

For step #5 seems like a similar strategy could be adopted as #2

Well... that was what was on my mind this morning for some reason....
and I thought I'd air it out here....please let me know what you


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