Hi Phlee,

it is true that it is possible to decompile bytecode python but it is
also true that it is possible to decompile or disassemble any
language. That in itself does not make it worthless for two reasons:

The first is that it is illegal (if you say so in the license). How
easy it is to open the front door of your house? that does not mean
anybody does it. People have sued and have won trials in similar
circumstances. VB and C# sell because they claim compilation
protection but it is not better than in Python.

In the specific case of web2py. web2py does one more step before
bytecode compiling. It translates all view hierarchy for every action
into a single python file (resolves all extended and included
templates into one view, and then tuns the html into python code), the
it bytecode compiles it. It manly does this to serve pages faster
without parsing and string substitution at runtime. This also means
that even if they were to decompile it, they would not get exactly the
original code and what they'd get would not be too easy to turn into a
working web2py application.

I am here temporarily so if you have questions we have a google list
for web2py.


P.S. Sorry for intruding but I thought this was relevant. Pylons rocks!

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