Dear everyone,

I am trying to use the APBS plugin in pymol to calculate protein electrostatic 
potentials. My system is centos 7. The pymol was installed with python 3.7 
(~/software/build/anaconda3/bin/python). When I try to lauch the APBS Tool 2.1 
from the plugin menu of pymol, a window jumps out which reads: "%x format: an 
integer is required, not float". I've googled it and learned that this error 
may related to python version. So I try to swith to pymol installed with 
python2.7 (/usr/bin/python)
 I install pymol following the guide at, with the command:

 /usr/bin/python  install 

After the installation finished, I tried to lauch pymol, but meet the error:

Qt not available, using GLUT/Tk interface
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 65, in <module>
 line 436, in launch
    _cmd.runpymol(_cmd._get_global_C_object(), block_input_hook)
NotImplementedError: compile with --glut

Acturally the PyQt4 have been install in my system, I don't understand why it 
is not available by pymol. And why pymol installed with python3.7 doesn't have 
such a problem.  Even if I reinstall pymol with --glut option:

 /usr/bin/python  --glut build install 

the same error still comes out. Could you help me with this problem? Thank you 
in advance.
Best regards
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