[PyMOL] Movie showing a slice-through a cryo-EM map

2019-12-09 Thread Tomas Malinauskas
Dear PyMOL users, I would like to make a movie showing a slice-through a cryo-EM map. Something similar to Video 1s (produced using Chimera) in PMIDs 30602789 and 30602790: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6364807/PMC6364807/bin/NIHMS80767-supplement-Supplementary_Video_1.mp4

[PyMOL] Object name for each object in grid display mode

2022-07-19 Thread Tomas Malinauskas
Dear All, Is it possible to show the object name for each object in grid display mode? E.g. I have 12 PDBs loaded in grid mode and would like to show their IDs (not in the side panel but in the main window) at the same time. I thank you for your help. Best wishes, Tomas

Re: [PyMOL] Object name for each object in grid display mode

2022-07-20 Thread Tomas Malinauskas
cmd.cealign("1A70", i+" & c. A") > cmd.zoom("all", "-20") > > for i in ids: > cmd.pseudoatom(i+"_info") > cmd.label(i+"_info", '"{}"'.format(i)) > cmd.set('label_size', 16, i+"_info") >

[PyMOL] RMSD per residue graph for multiple aligned PDB files

2023-12-26 Thread Tomas Malinauskas
Dear All, I have multiple aligned PDB files loaded in PyMOL, each representing different conformations of the same protein. I'm interested in creating a graph displaying RMSD per residue, similar to those shown at https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Training/Tutorials/science/aars/aars_html.bak/node22.html