On 13/09/11 15:14, ad...@mbnoimi.net wrote:
Actually I asked for this issue in another thread but I faced a problem can't
find any solution for it, so could you please help me to fix it?

When I run the following class I get "TypeError object of type int has no len()"
at for loop line 51. "messages" varialble is a list not int value... what's the
problem here?

the signature for showSplash is:

    def showSplash(self, delay, messages, alignment, color):

but you're calling it with:

    splash.showSplash(0,  50, messages,  QColor(255,  255,  0))

you could have debugged this easily by adding the following line before the offending for loop:

    print type(messages), repr(messages)

also, if the for loop would be much better written as:

    for message in messages:
        # do stuff with message

or, if you need the index:

    for index, message in enumerate(messages):
        # do stuff with index and message

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