
Looks good and the links work.

Were you planning on making an announcement (on the mod_python list at least) regarding your ApacheCon talk as well?


Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

Let me know if you see anything wrong in the text below, I'll send it out later today or tomorrow. The download page has been updated to show 3.2.5b already.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
Subject: ANNOUNCE: Mod_python 3.2.5 Beta

The Apache Software Foundation and The Apache HTTP Server Project are pleased to announce the 3.2.5 Beta release mod_python.

Version 3.2.5b of mod_python features several new functions and attributes providing better access to apache internals, file-based sessions and other session improvements, as well as many bug fixes and various performance and security improvements. A detailed description of the changes is available in Appendix A of the mod_python manual, also available here:

Beta releases are NOT considered stable and usually contain bugs.

This release is intended to solicit widespread testing of the code. We strongly recommend that you try out your existing applications and experiment with new features in a non-production environment using this version and report any problems you may encounter so that they can be addressed before the final release.

Preferred method of reporting problems is the mod_python user list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mod_python 3.2.5b is available for download from:

For more information about mod_python visit


Grisha Trubetskoy and the Apache mod_python team.

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