Re: call by reference howto????

2008-03-15 Thread sturlamolden
On 28 Feb, 02:24, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Python doesn't do call by reference. Nor does it do call by value. Please pay no attention to anyone who says it does. Exactly. Python pass variables the same way as Lisp, which is neither call-by-value (cf. C) nor

Re: call by reference howto????

2008-03-15 Thread sturlamolden
On 28 Feb, 02:24, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Python doesn't do call by reference. Nor does it do call by value. Please pay no attention to anyone who says it does. Exactly. Python pass variables the same way as Lisp, which is neither call-by-value (cf. C) nor

Re: call by reference howto????

2008-03-15 Thread sturlamolden
On 13 Mar, 09:22, Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Whatever python has for a calling convention, it is close enough that naming it call by reference gives people a reasonable idea of what is going on. Only to the extent that many mistake passing Java or C# reference types for

Re: Python Generators

2008-03-15 Thread sturlamolden
On 15 Mar, 21:35, mpc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: generator embedded in the argument only once. Can anyone explain while the generator will not re-initiate, and suggest a simple fix? I am not sure what you are trying to do, but it seems a bit confused. def concat(seq): for s in seq:

Re: Convert int to float

2008-03-15 Thread sturlamolden
On 15 Mar, 22:43, Guido van Brakel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: def gem(a): g = sum(a) / len(a) return g It now gives a int, but i would like to see floats. How can integrate that into the function? You get an int because you are doing integer division. Cast one int to float. def

Re: Convert int to float

2008-03-15 Thread sturlamolden
On 15 Mar, 22:43, Guido van Brakel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: def gem(a): g = sum(a) / len(a) return g print gem([1,2,3,4]) print gem([1,10,100,1000]) print gem([1,-2,3,-4,5]) gem( map(float,[1,2,3,4]) ) gem( float(i) for i in [1,2,3,4] ) --

Re: Types, Cython, program readability

2008-03-16 Thread sturlamolden
On 16 Mar, 15:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It seems the development of Cython is going very well, quite differently from the dead-looking Pyrex. Hopefully Cython will become more user-friendly too (Pyrex is far from being user-friendly for Windows users, it doesn't even contain a compiler, I

Re: Types, Cython, program readability

2008-03-16 Thread sturlamolden
On 16 Mar, 16:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think lot of Win users (computational biologists?), even people that know how to write good Python code, don't even know how to install a C compiler. If you don't know how to install a C compiler like Microsoft Visual Studio, you should not be

Re: Types, Cython, program readability

2008-03-16 Thread sturlamolden
On 16 Mar, 18:10, sturlamolden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You don't click on compiled Python C extensions. You call it from your Python code. By the way, disttools will invoke Pyrex and the C compiler, and produce the binary .pyd-file you can access from Python. It's not rocket science (not even

Re: Basics of Python,learning

2008-03-16 Thread sturlamolden
On 16 Mar, 17:25, Guido van Brakel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Why is this not working,and how can I correct it? [code skipped] There is no way of correcting that. Delete it and start over. --

Re: Strange problem with structs Linux vs. Mac

2008-03-16 Thread sturlamolden
On 16 Mar, 18:23, Martin Blume [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This seems to imply that the Mac, although running now on Intel processors, is still big-endian. Or maybe the struct module thinks big-endian is native to all Macs? It could be a bug. --

Re: Advantage of the array module over lists?

2008-03-16 Thread sturlamolden
On 13 Mar, 20:40, Tobiah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I checked out the array module today. It claims that arrays are 'efficient'. I figured that this must mean that they are faster than lists, but this doesn't seem to be the case: ## import array a =

Re: replace string in a file

2008-03-16 Thread sturlamolden
On 15 Mar, 21:54, Unknown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I was expecting to replace the old value (serial) with the new one (todayVal). Instead, this code *adds* another line below the one found... How can I just replace it? A file is a stream of bytes, not a list of lines. You can't just replace

Re: About reading Python code

2008-03-17 Thread sturlamolden
On 17 Mar, 04:54, WaterWalk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: So I'm curious how to read code effectively. I agree that python code is clear, but when it becomes long, reading it can still be a hard work. First, I recommend that you write readable code! Don't use Python as if you're entering the

Re: About reading Python code

2008-03-18 Thread sturlamolden
On 18 Mar, 08:00, hellt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: under Microsoft Visual Studio do you mean IronPython instance? AFAIK, with the latest VS 2008 you can develop for CPython and IronPython. --

Re: Interesting math problem

2008-03-18 Thread sturlamolden
On 18 Mar, 00:58, Jeff Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: def make_slope(distance, parts): if parts == 0: return [] q, r = divmod(distance, parts) if r and parts % r: q += 1 return [q] + make_slope(distance - q, parts - 1) Beautiful. If Python could

Re: Fast 2D Raster Rendering with GUI

2008-03-18 Thread sturlamolden
On 18 Mar, 17:48, Miki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Apart from PIL, some other options are: 1. Most GUI frameworks (wxPython, PyQT, ...) give you a canvas object you can draw on Yes, but at least on Windows you will get a GDI canvas. GDI is slow. 2. A bit of an overkill, but you can use

Re: finding items that occur more than once in a list

2008-03-18 Thread sturlamolden
On 18 Mar, 10:57, Simon Forman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: def f(L): '''Return a set of the items that occur more than once in L.''' L = list(L) for item in set(L): L.remove(item) return set(L) def nonunique(lst): slst = sorted(lst) return list(set([s[0] for s

Re: finding items that occur more than once in a list

2008-03-18 Thread sturlamolden
On 18 Mar, 22:22, sturlamolden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: def nonunique(lst): slst = sorted(lst) return list(set([s[0] for s in filter(lambda t : not(t[0]-t[1]), zip(slst[:-1],slst[1:]))])) Or perhaps better: def nonunique(lst): slst = sorted(lst) return list(set([s[0

Re: finding items that occur more than once in a list

2008-03-18 Thread sturlamolden
On 18 Mar, 22:25, sturlamolden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: def nonunique(lst): slst = sorted(lst) return list(set([s[0] for s in filter(lambda t : t[0] != t[1], zip(slst[:-1],slst[1:]))])) Obviously that should be 'lambda t : t[0] == t[1]'. Instead of using the set function

Re: finding items that occur more than once in a list

2008-03-18 Thread sturlamolden
On 18 Mar, 23:45, Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: def nonunique(lst): slst = sorted(lst) dups = [s[0] for s in filter(lambda t : t[0] == t[1], zip(slst[:-1],slst[1:]))] return [dups[0]] + [s[1] for s in filter(lambda t : t[0] != t[1],

Re: is hash map data structure available in Python?

2008-03-19 Thread sturlamolden
On 19 Mar, 09:40, grbgooglefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How do I create hash map in Python? Python dictionaries are the fastest hash maps known to man. If you need persistent storage of your hash map, consider module bsddb or dbhash. --

Re: What Programming Languages Should You Learn Next?

2008-03-19 Thread sturlamolden
On 19 Mar, 09:44, Torsten Bronger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Could you elaborate on this? (Sincere question; I have almost no idea of Haskell.) If you already know Python, you will find Whitespace just as useful as Haskell. --

Re: finding items that occur more than once in a list

2008-03-19 Thread sturlamolden
On 19 Mar, 22:48, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'd use Raymond Hettinger's solution. It is as much O(N) as Paul's, and is IMHO more readable than Paul's. Is a Python set implemented using a hash table? --

Re: finding items that occur more than once in a list

2008-03-19 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Mar, 00:16, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What don't you understand about the comments in the first two screenfuls of Objects/setobject.c? I had not looked at it, but now I have. Is seems Hettinger is the author :) Ok, so sets are implemented as hash tables. Then I agree, use

Re: Removal of tkinter from python 3.0? [was: Fate of the repr module in Py3.0]

2008-03-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Mar, 08:39, Daniel Fetchinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thoughts anyone? I don't use tk myself, but scheduling tkinter for vaporization would be a bad idea. A lot of programs depend on it, and it doesn't look ugly anymore (the one that ship with Python still does). Would inclusion of


2008-03-20 Thread sturlamolden
I just discovered wxFormBuilder. After having tried several GUI builders for wx (including DialogBlocks, wxGlade, XRCed, Boa constructor), this is the first one I can actually use. To use it wxFormBuilder with wxPython, I generated an xrc resource and loaded it with wxPython. All the tedious GUI

Re: Deleting Microsoft access database

2008-03-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Mar, 15:11, Ahmed, Shakir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have a Microsoft Access database that I want to delete whether anyone is using that file. The database is already read only mode residing in a server, users are opening in read only mode. I want to delete that file, I remove read

Re: wxFormBuilder

2008-03-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Mar, 17:21, Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've tried several of the above mentioned builders, with the same result. I've also looked at wxFormBuilder, but I found it far too difficult and fully unreadable (how can you create actions/bindings on components you don't see ?).

Re: wxFormBuilder

2008-03-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Mar, 17:21, Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've tried several of the above mentioned builders, with the same result. I've also looked at wxFormBuilder, but I found it far too difficult and fully unreadable (how can you create actions/bindings on components you don't see ?).

Re: Need help calling a proprietary C DLL from Python

2008-03-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Mar, 19:09, Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The culprit i here: Before - X = 0, CacheSize = 0, OpenMode = 3, vHandle = 0 This binds these names to Python ints, but byref expects C types. Also observe that CacheSize and OpenMode should be c_short. --

Re: Need help calling a proprietary C DLL from Python

2008-03-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Mar, 19:09, Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The following is the C++ prototype for one of the functions: short FAR PASCAL VmxOpen(BSTR*Filespec, LPSHORT lpLocatorSize, LPSHORT lpOmode, LPHANDLE lphwmcb,

Re: finding items that occur more than once in a list

2008-03-22 Thread sturlamolden
On 22 Mar, 09:31, Bryan Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Even a hash function that behaves as a random oracle has worst-case quadratic-time in the algorithm here In which case inserts are not amortized to O(1). --

Re: How to implement command line tool integrating parsing engine

2008-03-22 Thread sturlamolden
On 22 Mar, 14:48, llandre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - it must run both on linux and windows PC - it must interact with an electronic device connected to the PC through serial cable Python should be fine. - initially the program must be written in the form of simple command line tool that is

Re: wxFormBuilder

2008-03-22 Thread sturlamolden
On 22 Mar, 08:10, CM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Why can't you use Boa Constructor? I really enjoy using it. It feels awkward. I don't know why. --

Re: Do any of you recommend Python as a first programming language?

2008-03-22 Thread sturlamolden
On 22 Mar, 23:42, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Beginning programmers in grades 9-12 are not going to understand issues like that, and it would be a mistake to try and introduce them. Beginning programmers should be concentrating their efforts on learning the syntax of a language and basic

Re: Summary of threading for experienced non-Python programmers?

2008-03-28 Thread sturlamolden
On 28 Mar, 15:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm having trouble explaining the benefits and tradeoffs of threads to my coworkers and countering their misconceptions about Python's threading model and facilities.   Python's threading module is modelled on Java's thread model. There are some

Re: ANN: pygame 1.8 released

2008-03-30 Thread sturlamolden
This is good news, particularly the NumPy support for surface and pixel arrays. --

Re: License of Python

2008-03-30 Thread sturlamolden
On 30 Mar, 17:16, iu2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Due to Competitors... I don't want to expost the language I use Either your comepetitors will figure it out, or they don't care. Using Python can be a major competitive advance. If your competitors are smart enough to realise that, you are in

Re: Creating a python c-module: passing double arrays to c functions. segmentation fault. swig

2008-03-30 Thread sturlamolden
On 30 Mar, 22:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello everybody, I'm building a python module to do some heavy computation in C (for dynamic time warp distance computation). Why don't you just ctypes and NumPy arrays instead? # double timewarp(double x[], int lenx, double y[], int leny); import

Re: Creating a python c-module: passing double arrays to c functions. segmentation fault. swig

2008-03-31 Thread sturlamolden
On 31 Mar, 20:52, kim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: array_pointer_t = ndpointer(dtype=c_double) This one is wrong. The dtype should be the datatype kept in the array, which is 'float' (Python doubles) or 'numpy.float64'. array_pointer_t = ndpointer(dtype=numpy.float64) I'd take a good look at

Re: Summary of threading for experienced non-Python programmers?

2008-04-02 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 2, 1:26 am, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It did *not* say that it supports every existing, more powerful and generally better asynchronous mechanism supported by any OS out there. Even though it would certainly be nice if it did :) Python's standard library should have an

Re: Importing a 3rd Party windows DLL for use within th Python

2008-04-04 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 5, 12:58 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is it possible for someone to provide the information on the steps necessary to access this DLL and treat it like any other pyd library? Maybe there is already a tutorial available for performing this task? Is this task straight forward? Short

Re: How is GUI programming in Python?

2008-04-11 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 11, 8:35 pm, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: wxDesigner. IMHO, wxFormBuilder is better. --

Re: How is GUI programming in Python?

2008-04-11 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 12, 12:32 am, Rune Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: produce what I want without _wasting life_. But Boa is too unstable, and does not claim otherwise, and there's no descent alternative I'm aware of. wxFormDesigner is the best there is for wx. QtDesigner ditto for Qt. Glade ditto for

Re: How is GUI programming in Python?

2008-04-11 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 11, 5:01 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Another annoying thing with the Qt license is that you have to choose it at the very start of the project. You cannot develop something using the open source license and later decide to switch to the commercial licence and buy it.

Re: Multiple independent Python interpreters in a C/C++ program?

2008-04-12 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 11, 6:24 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Do I wind up with two completely independent interpreters, one per thread? I'm thinking this doesn't work (there are bits which aren't thread-safe and are only protected by the GIL), but wanted to double-check to be sure. You can create a new

Re: Multiple independent Python interpreters in a C/C++ program?

2008-04-12 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 11, 6:24 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Do I wind up with two completely independent interpreters, one per thread? I'm thinking this doesn't work (there are bits which aren't thread-safe and are only protected by the GIL), but wanted to double-check to be sure. You can create a new

C API design flaw (was: Re: Multiple independent Python interpreters in a C/C++ program?)

2008-04-12 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 12, 7:05 pm, sturlamolden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In theory, a GIL private to each (sub)interpreter would make Python more scalable. The current GIL behaves like the BKL in earlier Linux kernels. However, some third-party software, notably Apache's mod_python, is claimed to depend

Re: Preferred method for Assignment by value

2008-04-15 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 15, 7:23 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: test = [[1],[2]] x = test[0] Python names are pointer to values. Python behaves like Lisp - not like Visual Basic or C#. Here you make x point to the object which is currently pointed to by the first element in the list test. If you now reassign

Re: Preferred method for Assignment by value

2008-04-15 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 15, 8:19 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Coming from VBA I have a tendency to think of everything as an array... Coding to much in Visual Basic, like Fortran 77, is bad for your mind. --

I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-16 Thread sturlamolden
Hello Guys... I just had one moment of exceptional clarity, during which realized how I could get the GIL out of my way... It's so simple, I cannot help wondering why nobody has thought of it before. Duh! Now I am going to sit and and marvel at my creation for a while, and then go to bed (it's

Re: How is GUI programming in Python?

2008-04-16 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 16, 4:17 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Reformulating my question: Which GUI tool, wxPython or PyQt, is more pythonic? (Please, ignore the license issue because I am thinking about FOSS) None of them, all three of them (you forgot PyGTK), or it doesn't matter more. Nobody with their

Re: I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-17 Thread sturlamolden
On 17 Apr, 15:21, Martin P. Hellwig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If not, what is the advantage above already present solutions? Well... I like the processing module. Except that Wintendo toy OS has no fork() availabe for the Win32 subsystem, which makes it a bit limited on that platform (slow at

Re: I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-17 Thread sturlamolden
On 17 Apr, 10:25, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: help progress at all. I think neither was the case in this thread - the guy claimed that he actually did something about the GIL, and now we are all waiting for him to also tell us what it is that he did. Ok, I did not remove the

Re: I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-17 Thread sturlamolden
On 17 Apr, 09:11, Matias Surdi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It's april 1st again??? Not according to my calendar. This was not meant as a joke. I think I may have solved the GIL issue. See my answer to Martin v. Löwis for a full explanation. --

Re: I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-17 Thread sturlamolden
On 17 Apr, 10:12, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Quick, write it down before the drugs wear off. Hehe, I don't take drugs, apart from NSAIDs for arthritis. Read my answer to Martin v. Löwis. --

Re: I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-17 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 17, 5:46 pm, Hrvoje Niksic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Have you tackled the communication problem? The way I see it, one interpreter cannot see objects created in the other because they have separate pools of ... everything. They can communicate by passing serialized objects through

Re: I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-17 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 17, 6:03 pm, Rhamphoryncus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Interesting. Windows specific, but there's other ways to do the same thing more portably. I believe you can compile Python as a shared object (.so) on Linux as well, and thus loadable by ctypes. The bigger issue is that you can't

Re: I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-17 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 17, 7:16 pm, Jonathan Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Apr 17, 8:19 am, sturlamolden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: An there you have the answer. It's really very simple :-) That's an interesting hack. Now, how do the processes communicate with each other without stepping on each

Re: I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-18 Thread sturlamolden
On 18 Apr, 21:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Passing a NULL SectionHandle to NTCreateProcess/CreateProcessEx results in a fork-style copy-on-write duplicate of the current process. I know about NtCreateProcess and ZwCreateProcess, but they just create an empty process - no

Re: why function got dictionary

2008-04-19 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 17, 4:06 pm, AlFire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Q: why function got dictionary? What it is used for? As previously mentioned, a function has a __dict__ like (most) other objects. You can e.g. use it to create static variables: int foobar() { static int i = 0; return i++; } is

Re: why function got dictionary

2008-04-19 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 19, 8:33 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: barfoo = foobar foobar = lambda x : x And boom. That's why I used the qualifier 'roughly equivalent' and not simply 'equivalent'. --

Re: I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-19 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 19, 10:29 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: FWIW, NT's POSIX subsytem fork() uses (or used to use) the NULL SectionHandle method and was POSIX certified, so it's certainly possible. Windows Vista Ultimate comes with Interix integrated, renamed 'Subsystem for Unix based

Re: Help needed - I don't understand how Python manages memory

2008-04-20 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 20, 2:46 pm, Hank @ITGroup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That is my question, after ``del``, sometimes the memory space returns back as nothing happened, sometimes not... ... What exactly was happening??? Python has a garbage collector. Objects that cannot be reached from any scope is

Re: Any reliable obfurscator for Python 2.5

2008-04-20 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 20, 5:28 pm, JB Stern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Curious Steve, how do you pay the rent and by what authority do you speak for The Python world? Your opinion couldn't be more wrong for programmers like myself who live by the code they write (as opposed to its support). Are you afraid

Re: Help needed - I don't understand how Python manages memory

2008-04-20 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 20, 9:09 pm, Hank @ITGroup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Could you please give us some clear clues to obviously call python to free memory. We want to control its gc operation handily as we were using J**A. If you want to get rid of a Python object, the only way to do that is to get rid of

Re: Any reliable obfurscator for Python 2.5

2008-04-20 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 20, 8:49 pm, Roy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hiding your source code is not easy (perhaps impossible) in Python, for reasons which have been covered at length on a regular basis in this forum. If you only ship .pyc or .pyo files, there is still enough information recoverable in the

Re: Nested lists, simple though

2008-04-20 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 21, 12:25 am, Zethex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Anyway the amount of [[]] do increase over time. Im just wondering is there a simple way to add these together so they become 1 simple list, so it would be ['computer''asus'] etc without the nested list. Its random the amount each

Re: Nested lists, simple though

2008-04-20 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 21, 12:25 am, Zethex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Anyway the amount of [[]] do increase over time. You can flatten a nested list using a closure and recursion: def flatten(lst): tmp = [] def _flatten(lst): for elem in lst: if type(elem) != list:

Re: Nested lists, simple though

2008-04-20 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 21, 2:35 am, sturlamolden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This also shows how easy it is to boost the performance of Python code using Cython. We can improve this further by getting rid of the tmp.append attribue lookup: cdef _flatten(lst, append): for elem in lst: if type(elem

Re: Help needed - I don't understand how Python manages memory

2008-04-21 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 21, 4:09 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm not sure if this will help the OP at all - going into a world of dangling pointers, keeping track of ownership, releasing memory by hand... One of the good things of Python is automatic memory management. Ensuring that all

Re: Segfault accessing dictionary in C Python module

2008-04-21 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 22, 2:00 am, Mitko Haralanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As far as I know, I have done everything by the book yet I can't seem to figure out where the problem is. Any help would be great? Albeit not having looked at your code in detail, I'm wiling to bet you have one of the refcounts

Re: subprocess module is sorely deficient?

2008-04-22 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 22, 12:52 pm, Harishankar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sorry to start off on a negative note in the list, but I feel that the Python subprocess module is sorely deficient because it lacks a mechanism to Have you looked at the processing module in cheese shop? --

Re: Where to get appears to be down.

2008-04-23 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 22, 8:36 pm, Kenneth McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sadly. I can easily access: --

Re: Psyco alternative

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Mar 27, 4:44 pm, Jean-Paul Calderone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: PyPy is self-hosted and has been for some time (a year or so?). This is technically not correct. PyPy is hosted by RPython, which is not Python but a different language all together. --

Re: Psyco alternative

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Mar 27, 4:02 pm, king kikapu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As for psyco, are there any alternatives to use now ? When Cython has implemented all of Python's syntax, we can replace CPython's compiler and bytecode interpreter with Cython and a C compiler. Cython can be one or two orders of

Re: Psyco alternative

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Mar 27, 5:01 pm, king kikapu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hmmm...thanks but i think Pyrex-like solution is not the ideal one. Coming from C# and having 8 years of expertise on it, i have gain a very positive thinking about jit compilers and i think that psyco (ok, a just-in-time specializer)

Re: Psyco alternative

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Mar 27, 5:01 pm, king kikapu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hmmm...thanks but i think Pyrex-like solution is not the ideal one. Coming from C# and having 8 years of expertise on it, i have gain a very positive thinking about jit compilers and i think that psyco (ok, a just-in-time specializer)

Re: Psyco alternative

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 25, 2:15 am, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I believe, without the benefit of recent experience, that the R stands for Restricted. Thus and RPython program must of necessity also be a valid Python program. Or do you know something I don't? That is correct. But RPython is not

Re: Psyco alternative

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Mar 28, 8:06 pm, Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From what I've seen from browsing publicly accessible materials, there's a certain commercial interest in seeing Psyco updated somewhat. YouTube uses Psyco. --

Re: Psyco alternative

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 25, 3:27 am, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That seems a little harsh: it's Python-in-a-strait-jacket. The fact remains that since RPython programs also run under the standard interpreter (albeit a factor of maybe a hundred times more slowly) their claim of self-hosting is

Re: Remove multiple inheritance in Python 3000

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 22, 1:07 pm, GD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Please remove ability to multiple inheritance in Python 3000. Too late for that, PEPs are closed. Multiple inheritance is bad for design, rarely used and contains many problems for usual users. Every program can be designed only with single

Re: Calling Python code from inside php

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 24, 5:51 am, Nick Stinemates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I don't understand how the 2 are mutually exclusive? You can have PHP and Python bindings installed on the same Apache server, unless I'm mistaken? Not everyone have the luxury of having mod_python installed. It depends on the

Re: Psyco alternative

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 25, 4:57 am, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am simply pointing out that RPython is used for efficiency, not to do things that can't be done in standard Python. Yes. And if we only use a very small subset of Python, it would in effect be a form of assembly code. Hence my comment

Re: ctypes: return a pointer to a struct

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 25, 5:09 am, Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: typedef struct { char *country_short; char *country_long; char *region; char *city; char *isp; float latitude; float longitude; char *domain; char *zipcode; char *timezone; char *netspeed; } IP2LocationRecord; First

Re: ctypes: return a pointer to a struct

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 25, 5:15 am, sturlamolden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: First define a struct type IP2LocationRecord by subclassing from ctypes.Structure. Then define a pointer type as ctypes.POINTER(IP2LocationRecord) and set that as the function's restype attribute. See the ctypes tutorial or reference

Re: ctypes: return a pointer to a struct

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 25, 5:39 am, Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: AttributeError: 'LP_IP2LocationRecord' object has no attribute 'country_short' As it says, LP_IP2LocationRecord has no attribute called 'country_short'. IP2LocationRecord does. Use the 'contents' attribute to dereference the pointer. That is:

Re: ctypes: return a pointer to a struct

2008-04-24 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 25, 5:39 am, Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: IP2Location_get_all.restype = POINTER(IP2LocationRecord) IP2LocationObj = IP2Location_open(thisdir + '/IP-COUNTRY-SAMPLE.BIN') rec = IP2Location_get_all(IP2LocationObj, '') print rec.country_short print rec.contents.country_short

Re: Remove multiple inheritance in Python 3000

2008-04-25 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 25, 2:03 pm, Bjoern Schliessmann usenet- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That's how the Java designers were thinking as well: If MI is allowed, programmers will suddenly get an irresistible urge to use MI to write unmaintainable spaghetti code. So let's disallow MI for the sake of common

Re: why does the following with Queue, q.put('\x02', True) not put it in the queue?

2008-04-25 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 25, 4:38 pm, Gabriel Rossetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I'm having some trouble with the Queue class, for some reason, if I do this (ch == ) : q = Queue.Queue(0) repr(ch) q.put(ch, True) len(q.queue) from Queue import Queue q = Queue(0) s = '\x02' q.put(s,True)

Re: Calling Python code from inside php

2008-04-25 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 23, 9:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: A simple yet dangerous and rather rubbish solution (possibly more of a hack than a real implementation) could be achieved by using a technique described above: ?php echo exec('python'); This will spawn a Python interpreter, and

Re: Calling Python code from inside php

2008-04-25 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 23, 9:08 pm, MC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If you are under Windows, you can: - call Python's functions via Active-Scripting - call a Python COM server (functions or properties) For that, use Pywin32. And, in all cases, call functions can use parameters. This is perhaps the

Re: Python 2.6 and wrapping C libraries on Windows

2008-04-30 Thread sturlamolden
On Apr 30, 8:06 pm, L. Lindstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have read that Python extension modules must link to the same C run-time as the Python interpreter. This I can appreciate. But does this requirement extend to the C libraries an extension module wraps. This somewhat of a

Re: Feature suggestion: sum() ought to use a compensated summation algorithm

2008-05-03 Thread sturlamolden
On May 3, 10:13 pm, hdante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I believe that moving this to third party could be better. What about numpy ? Doesn't it already have something similar ? Yes, Kahan summation makes sence for numpy arrays. But the problem with this algorithm is optimizing compilers. The

Re: Using Python for programming algorithms

2008-05-17 Thread sturlamolden
On May 18, 12:32 am, Vicent Giner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: * As far as I understand, the fact that Python is not a compiled language makes it slower than C, when performing huge amounts of computations within an algorithm or program. First of all: whatever you do, use NumPy for all numerical

Re: qt, gtk, wx for py3 ?

2009-03-04 Thread sturlamolden
On Mar 3, 8:15 pm, Scott David Daniels wrote: Qt: simplest model, well-documented, until very recently not available on Windows w/o a restrictive license or substantial cost. As of March 3, Qt is LGPL on all platforms!!! The problem is PyQt which is still dual

Re: wx, qt, gtk

2009-03-05 Thread sturlamolden
On Mar 5, 11:11 am, Stefano wrote: In the end of all  i searched in internet and i've found that applications ( even commercial ) written with gtk are more and more than other written with wx and qt (not only with python) From a technical point of view, Qt is the superior

Re: C extension using GSL

2009-03-27 Thread sturlamolden
On Mar 27, 7:10 am, jesse wrote: I give up. I cannot find my memory leak! That's the penalty for using the Python C API. --

Re: Coming from .NET and VB and C

2008-09-08 Thread sturlamolden
On 3 Sep, 18:52, ToPostMustJoinGroup22 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm coming from a .NET, VB, C background. Any suggestions for someone new to the scene like me? Welcome! Unfortunately, you probably have a lot of bad habits to unlearn. Don't use Python like another C, VB or Java. It will cause

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