Hi there

Playing around with a module called layout-by-code that lets me generate 
wxPython interfaces quickly/easily, but, if I want to, for example, open a new 
window that then also defines it's own interface, it would be nice to be able 
to either pass object variables to it, that could also maybe have their content 
changed before focus reverts to the original/parent window, or something, and 
suppose could use some form of external communications channel, like a text 
file, a sqlite3 database file, etc., but was just wondering if there was 
something am missing out on, since global variable definition doesn't seem to 
work, etc., but anyway.

Have tried playing around with 3 different ways of implementing this using just 
a module import statement - and that's the only one that's really 
stable/working at the moment - importing a module and then calling a function 
in it, with arguments - that one crashes out over and over again - and 
importing a class defined in the module file - but that one seems to get 
stuck/hang up a bit.

I know I could more manually work around this using wxPython interface itsself 
more directly, but this LBC module really makes it easy/simple to almost 
literally spit out a usable/accessible interface quite easily/quickly at the 

My tests are in this zip file if that means much - parentWindow.py runs tests 
on the child...py children - and, yes, know have again made use of tab 
characters for indentation, but that's also more suitable for my sort of 
development environment:


Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

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