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From: Pippijn van Steenhoven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11-Apr-2006 19:22
Subject: minor fixes to get rid of warnings

I just made some minor fixes in the code. All C compiler warnings are
gone now. The only warnings I still get are from texi2html that, by my
knowledge can for sure partially be fixed but I didn't because the
product, qemu-doc.html, was not what I had expected so maybe it is an
parsing error or anomaly of FreeBSD's texi2html port.
This patch will apply to Qemu-cvs from 20050330:2307UTC with the
FreeBSD patch, http:////www.zabor.org/balrog/qemu-fbsd.patch applied.
I did not test it on the vanilla tree.

Here it is: http://northlight.mine.nu/~pippijn/programs/qemu/qemu-cleanup.patch
Pippijn van Steenhoven
Qemu-devel mailing list

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