Thanks Norman, I really don't know how much of a problem it is, its'
been over 25 years since I dabbled in m/c and then it was 8085 (I
think) using a hex keypad, too much for me but then came along
Sinclair ZXBASIC whoopee and the rest is history.

Moving to a PC with processors 8086, 286, 386, 486, 586? I have no
idea what is used now, dual core all singing and dancing means nothing
to me really. Point being, if machine code is essential, should not it
be using current systems rather than being original then  emulated
ones (whatever they are are)? RISC was supposed to be simpler and
faster I thought!

Two other unrelated points, is it just me that finds a QL emulated on
a RISC/ARM system ironically funny considering the history?

We are now in August the 'estimated' deadline has passed and surprise
surprise (no its not Cilla) à bicyclette from Sinclair not forth
coming n'est-ce pas :(

Lee Privett

The QL Users And Tinkerers Association

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Norman Dunbar
Sent: 04 August 2011 17:00
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Raspberry Pi the £15 PC

Hi Lee,

On 04/08/11 16:37, Lee Privett wrote:
 > ...
> My second point (or question) for what it's worth is that other than

> machine code routines, peek and poke for fixed memory (screen or 
> systems variables) does SuperBASIC need 680?? emulation?

Well, I suspect that QPC will run under WINE on any flavour of Linux,
and not necessarily one that has an Intel Processor of x86 fame
beneath it. So QPC will probably run fine under WINE under Ubuntu on
the Pi.

More specifically, SuperBasic is "just" a language - albeit a good
So I suppose someone could write a SuperBasic interpreter/compiler in,
say C, to be packaged up and/or compiled from source on any Linux.

If this person wasw to use something  like wxWidgets or QT, then the
code would be cross platform and SuperBasic on Windows would be a

The obvious problem would be Machine code - unless the SuperBasic
system had a built in 68000 emulator, then assembly will be a

None (I presume) of the system variables and so on would be the same
either. The *language* would be there, just not the platform itself.

I think!


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
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