If anyone has a QL monitor they'd like to part with, please bring it to the 
show and we likely can negotiate a decent price. Esp if you take plastic. May 
not have checks before I leave.

What I am looking to replace:
Currently I have an old Acorn III RGB, roughly a foot or foot and a half cube, 
which has given up the ghost. The only semi-useable one is an old Datapoint 
green monochrome, which just isn't good enough.

The old black cubes which say "Sinclair" or a similar item would probably do.

I am not looking to have to do noticeable rewiring, make adaptors, repair, etc. 
The old Acorn (from someone named Sherman I think) just plugged in its power 
cable and its video cable.

Doug L. 37830 USA

I would not be entirely averse to items which are somewhat above the foregoing 
characteristics but allow for expansion beyond the old QDOS; as I've said in 
other posts, it's likely I'll upgrade to SMSQ finally, although I doubt I'll go 
beyond the black box to say Aurora. (I maintain a life outside even the QL ... 
e.g. several Linuces, OS X and OS 9, though absolutely _no_ 
"Winnie"--Wintel/IE--except at work. There is no Earthlink phone # in N.F. 
Ontario, and that was the final factor in deciding not to bring the old G3 400 

Black box, SGC, 2x 3.5" needing repair, new Mk II uninstalled, sH uninstalled, 
IBM keyboard (also GC, Trump 896), 14.4 (surely 56K after sH installed), 
monitor needed, SMSQ in foreseeable future, QPC, Xchange (3.91?), Psion chess 
as mentioned, more.
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