As you may know (you don't? uh-oh :-) you've been listed for the NA show as 
"fixing things". I'd like to mention beforehand something I'd like done: 
getting my floppy drives working. Years ago the previous ones, old, had trouble 
& I replaced them with new generics. They had some sort of trouble, and at a NA 
show (Maryland US?) Roy or somebody flipped four wires in the cable. They 
worked a little better, but e.g. they still won't format, and putting a new 
file on a diskette is done only by deleting an existing file from a used 
diskette and inserting--not say by format & just write. Puts a crimp in your 

Installing the sH I bought from you looks involved, and I expect you the expert 
could do in five (ten?) minutes with myself needing an afternoon for reading & 
dickering... If as a matter of principle, and you needing to ration your time 
at the show maybe, I should do it myself, I can.

Thanks,     Doug L. 37830 USA

If you can evaluate the Minverva I also bought recently, that could be handy; 
as I say I dropped it and don't know yet, through installation or just 
check-out, whether I've damaged it. Even I the non-specialist can install one 
of those though.

I will have the black box which is in the process of being converted to "main 
QL" (newer Minerva, sH, remove old 68008; SGC, repaired floppies; SMSQ maybe in 
forseeable future--yes, I still run without). Maybe even the old black box 
(older Minverva, maybe shot).
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