Logbook: Month one after the "birth anniversary" of our baby we look how the
web and media took up the story.

As expected there was poor feedback if any in most NewsGroups, only
comp.sys.sinclair took it up:

Good usage of the web-page information. I got 216 downloads of the
PowerPoint presentation and 75 of QPC (the virtual QL to run on the PC) so
far. 4GB traffic in 5 weeks. That’s not bad for an oldy.

German c’t magazine (Issue 3/2009, page 24) took up the line and mentioned
the QL’s 25th anniversary on their regular "Prozessorgeflüster" (CPU
rumors). They also mention the cloud QL<>PSION->NetBook->Todays Netbooks:

But it comes even better…

UK’s well known and favourite PC magazine Personal Computer World (PCW) –
who took up the line in their “test bed” blog
http://labs.pcw.co.uk/2009/01/sinclair-qls-25.html just after my message on
January 12th – went deeper into it.

They got in contact with David Karlin (QL hardware designer) and me. David
gave en interview to Clive Akass. I allowed them to use all the information
and pictures from my web-sites. The result can be found in the current issue
(April 2009, Vol. 32 No. 4) on sale since February 19th.
-       "We" are in the Editorial of Kelvyn Taylor on page 7,
-       then the Interview with David and QL vs Mac comparismn on pages 14
and 15
-       and as a goody the full reprint of the QL benchtest from the June
1984 issue (Vol. 7 No. 5) on pages 53 to 60.

I can hardly remind me of such a massive coverage (11 pages) of the QL in a
main street publication ever.

So go out and buy the magazine! Put it on the shelf and tell you children
and grandchildren about the "Mac that never was" better than "The machine
that failed in the market".

For the remaining eleven month of the anniversary you can expect a surprise
every month.

Take care and have a nice weekend, Urs

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