QPC1 versus QPC2 ? Well not really.

I have just become aware, again, of how useful and 'speedy' QPC1 is.
Having got back an old PC 486/33 with Win 3.11 installed.  I decided to
put it to good use by making it a QPC1 platform :-) which I can now use
long term at the London QL User and Quanta group meetings.

Installing QPC1 was no problem, just copy the files to a QPC directory
and then format a 'win1'.  Even the changes to the autoexec.bat and
config.sys files didn't phase me, as I had done it once before; and now
it is well documented with QPC.

I then decided to install some QL software.  Taking it across by floppy
disc from a Pentium 1 PC with WIN 95 and QPC II v2, to the 486 PC with
Win 3.11.

Yet I had forgotten how slow the slave blocks are with WIN 95, it makes
the Win 3.11 machine seem positively speedy !

Still, mission achieved a few hours later ...

Does anyone have any of the following equipment that they could donate
to the London Group ?

VGA monitor, with standard D plug, and power cable ( kettle plug style )
PS2 style mouse
PS2 keyboard

This would complete a useable system.

Malcolm Cadman

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