I have just received various second hand QLs from Malcolm Cadman along with lots of other 2nd hand items.

I am adding a list of 2nd hand items to my web-site for those who are interested.  I still have lots of items to list
See http://hometown.aol.co.uk/rwapsoftware/2ndhand..html

I also have what looks like an issue 2 board (not working at the moment).  I recall someone was building a collection of all the various builds and had a web-page with pictures of the variations, but cannot remember who it was....  Any ideas please.

Finally, just a push in Dave Park's direction - please please please work on that keyboard replacement - I now have about 6 QLs all working except for one or two keys!!!  Ahhhh. The membranes are now too brittle to mess about trying to swap them.

Rich Mellor
RWAP Software
7 Common Road, Kinsley, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 5JR
TEL: 01977 614299

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