----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roy wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

> >I'd like to suggest that as 2003/4 is the 20th anniversary of the QL,
> >a big publicity splash be given for one show to celebrate this, in
> >much the same way as we had QL2000 or whatever that one in the Horizon
> >Centre was called. A one off special, well advertised so that
> >international visitors can have the chance to attend as well, in other
> >words, at a venue reasonably close to either sea or air ports.
> I could suggest we do it at Hove. The venue is not as big as then
> Horizon Centre but it might do if we use the extra room that the
> committee were in.
> -- 

This seems quite a good idea as Hove is a well established show and Brighton
a good area. There are one or two practical problems. QL2000 was a very
expensive workshop and thus not repeatable every year. We would need to find
out whether QUANTA could subsidise the event and by how much. Also timing
would be important. Brighton is probably at its best at the beginning or end
of the season when it would also be easy to get hotels. (I appreciated the
May show this year since every February/March so far it has been cold,
windy, often wet, and uninviting.)

There would have to be some form of social programme both for QL-ers and for
their guests. This would mean somewhere for the workshop dinner etc. Also we
would need to decide how long the workshop would be. Two days or one and a
half days. Also a programme of activities for the workshop itself.

This all means much more work than a normal Hove show, which should not all
fall on the Sussex group. What help and support  would you need?

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