Qstripper has been updated in windows 32 and 64bit, plus Linux 64 bit, to 
version 1.10. You'll know if you have the latest as the opened files have a 
delicate yellow background!

I've fixed a problem with 'rogue' formatting. It took a while to track down, 
but basically the current formatting settings depended on a set of flags that 
held the toggle state of the bold, italic, underline etc settings. 
Unfortunately under some conditions, it is possible for an on toggle to be 
followed by a paragraph end and thus, an off toggle was not required so the 
flags were now wrong.

The current formatting was not being correctly reinitialised on each new 
paragraph if a toggle on was not followed by a toggle off before the end of a 
paragraph, so the toggle on stayed on for the next few paragraphs or until a 
new toggle on turned it off. Oh hum.

Anyway, it's fixed. Have fun.

I'll get around to Linux 32 bit soon.


Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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