I've been using debian with qmail since last september (from 1998 to 2012 with Slackware). No big problems. it is some days that my local smtp server is slow: 35 seconds to accept an email sent from me to a localnet address.
 cat tcp.smtp

I did not change any settings in DNS.

Not shown: 984 closed ports
22/tcp    open  ssh
25/tcp    open  smtp
80/tcp    open  http
110/tcp   open  pop3
111/tcp   open  rpcbind
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn
143/tcp   open  imap
445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds
465/tcp   open  smtps
783/tcp   open  spamassassin
901/tcp   open  samba-swat
993/tcp   open  imaps
995/tcp   open  pop3s
2049/tcp  open  nfs
3306/tcp  open  mysql
10000/tcp open  snet-sensor-mgmt

It seems there is no particular connection from Outside.

Could it depend from a DNS problem? I tried to compile a "hosts" file and I have a DNS local server which seems to run fine...
Any Idea? I don't know where to start.



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