[R] Relative Importance Package question

2011-01-24 Thread Paul Rheeder
I have installed the latest relaimpo library ( form their website with the 8 functions) When running pvmd as a type in c=type(pmvd) in calc.relimp I get the error message ...could not find function pmvdcalc (this is in R version 2.12.1) Can anyone help? Paul Prof P Rheeder School of Health

[R] repeatedrepeated measures in ANOVA or mixed model

2010-11-09 Thread Paul Rheeder
dear List I have a dataset with blood measurements at 5 points in TIME (0,30,60,90,120) taken on 3 VISITS (same subjects). the interest is to compare these measurements between Visits, overall and at the different time points. I have problems setting up repeated measures ANOVA with 2 repeated

[R] Accessing packages

2010-07-15 Thread Paul Rheeder
Dear R I installed R2.11.1 on Windows XP and because of University access control I set the Cran and web passwords in the Rprofile.site file # set a CRAN mirror local({r - getOption(repos) r[CRAN] - http://cran.ru.ac.za/; options(repos=r)})