[R] about combining analysis results using package 'flexmix' and ' mice'

2018-04-27 Thread Zhang Wilson
Hi, I am currently using package ‘mice’ to do multiple imputation for tourist data here. Then the complete datasets (e.g. m>= 100) will be analyzed with a finite mixture model using package ‘flexmix’. I have found that it seems no feasible way to combine the multiple results into a final one

[R] about family=binomial in glm funtion

2018-04-14 Thread Zhang Wilson
Hei, I just wonder the use of family=binomial in glm function. As I learned from book (e.g. Andy Field) that logistic regression (binary logit) can use glm funtion with family = binomial. Here the y is a factor variable (e.g. value = 1 or 2). But I have also seen i many other cases, same