[R] types of vectors / lists

2008-03-05 Thread a9804814
Hello, I am an advanced user of R. Recently I found out that apparently I do not fully understand vectors and lists fully Take this code snippet: T = c(02.03.2008 12:23, 03.03.2008 05:54) Times = strptime(T, %d.%m.%Y %H:%M) Times # OK class(Times) # OK is.list(Times)

[R] collapsing list to data.frame

2008-03-05 Thread a9804814
Hello, Given a list with all elements having identical layout, e.g.: l = NULL l[[1]] = list(4, hello) l[[2]] = list(7, world) l[[3]] = list(9, ) is there an easy way to collapse this list into a data.frame with each row being the elements of the list ? I.e. in this case I want to