[R] When to use RProfile.site or .Rprofile

2013-10-03 Thread jroyrobertson
I would appreciate some advice on what the preferred contents of RProfile.site vs. .Rprofile should be. A .First() function can reside in either one, but is it preferred to place it in .Rprofile? I currently use .First() in .Rprofile files placed in separate directories used for different

[R] verbose=1 setting in lmer gives no iteration results

2013-08-02 Thread jroyrobertson
I am using R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) on Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) and lme4_0.9911-3. I run the following code from Douglas Bates lme4: Mixed-effects modeling with R (June 25, 2010) pg 14 and do not get any iteration information. I get the same results if I use

[R] Where does R store workspace and commands that load on startup

2013-03-31 Thread jroyrobertson
When I close R and answer yes to save workspace, R automatically loads it and apparently also the command history at start up. I would like to know where R stores this information. I know that I can save .RData and .Rhistory files, but I would like to know how(where) R stores this information