
This would probably deserve some abstraction, we had C++ versions of apply in our TODO list for some time, but here is a shot:

require( Rcpp )
require( inline )

f.Rcpp <- cxxfunction( signature( x = "matrix" ), '

    NumericMatrix input( x ) ;
    NumericMatrix output  = clone<NumericMatrix>( input ) ;

    int nr = input.nrow(), nc = input.ncol() ;
    NumericVector tmp( nr );
    for( int i=0; i<nc; i++){
        tmp = tmp + input.column(i) ;
        NumericMatrix::Column target( output, i ) ;
        std::copy( tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), target.begin() ) ;
    return output ;

', plugin = "Rcpp" )

f.R <- function( x ){
    t(apply(probs, 1, cumsum)) #SLOOOW!

 probs <- t(matrix(rep(1:100),nrow=10)) # matrix with row-wise probabilites
stopifnot( all.equal( f.R( probs ), f.Rcpp( probs ) ) )

require( rbenchmark )
probs <- t(matrix(rep(1:10000000), nrow=10)) # matrix with row-wise probabilites

bm <- benchmark(
    f.R( probs ),
    f.Rcpp( probs ),
    columns=c("test", "elapsed", "relative", "user.self", "sys.self"),
print( bm )

I get this on my iMac with R 2.12.0 and Rcpp as just released to CRAN.

$ Rscript cumsum.R
           test elapsed relative user.self sys.self
2 f.Rcpp(probs)   4.614  1.00000     4.375    0.239
1    f.R(probs)  68.645 14.87755    67.765    0.877

When we implement "apply" in C++, we will probably leverage loop unrolling to achieve greater performance.


Le 15/10/10 14:34, Douglas Bates a écrit :
Although I know there is another message in this thread I am replying
to this message to be able to include the whole discussion to this

Gregor mentioned the possibility of extending the compiled code for
cumsum so that it would handle the matrix case.  The work by Dirk
Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois on developing the Rcpp package make
it surprisingly easy to create compiled code for this task.  I am
copying the Rcpp-devel list on this in case one of the readers of that
list has time to create a sample implementation before I can get to
it.  It's midterm season and I have to tackle the stack of blue books
on my desk before doing fun things like writing code.

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:23 AM, Joshua Wiley<jwiley.ps...@gmail.com>  wrote:

You might look at Reduce().  It seems faster.  I converted the matrix
to a list in an incredibly sloppy way (which you should not emulate)
because I cannot think of  the simple way.

probs<- t(matrix(rep(1:10000000), nrow=10)) # matrix with row-wise probabilites
F<- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(probs), ncol=ncol(probs));
F[,1]<- probs[,1,drop=TRUE];
add<- function(x) {Reduce(`+`, x, accumulate = TRUE)}

system.time(F.slow<- t(apply(probs, 1, cumsum)))
   user  system elapsed
  36.758   0.416  42.464

system.time(for (cc in 2:ncol(F)) {
+  F[,cc]<- F[,cc-1,drop=TRUE] + probs[,cc,drop=TRUE];
+ })
   user  system elapsed
  0.980   0.196   1.328

system.time(add(list(probs[,1], probs[,2], probs[,3], probs[,4], probs[,5], 
probs[,6], probs[,7], probs[,8], probs[,9], probs[,10])))
   user  system elapsed
  0.420   0.072   0.539

.539 seconds for 10 vectors each with 1 million elements does not seem
bad.  For 30000 each, on my system it took .014 seconds, which for
200,000 iterations, I estimated as:

[1] 0.7777778

(and this is on a stone age system with a single core processor and
only 756MB of RAM)

It should not be difficult to get the list back to a matrix.



On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Gregor<mailingl...@gmx.at>  wrote:
Dear all,

Maybe the "easiest" solution: Is there anything that speaks against generalizing
cumsum from base to cope with matrices (as is done in matlab)? E.g.:

"cumsum(Matrix, 1)"
equivalent to
"apply(Matrix, 1, cumsum)"

The main advantage could be optimized code if the Matrix is extreme nonsquare
(e.g. 100,000x10), but the summation is done over the short side (in this case 
apply would practically yield a loop over 100,000 elements, and vectorization 
the long side (loop over 10 elements) provides considerable efficiency gains.

Many regards,

On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 10:24:53 +0200
Gregor<mailingl...@gmx.at>  wrote:

Dear all,

I am struggling with a (currently) cost-intensive problem: calculating the
(non-normalized) cumulative distribution function, given the (non-normalized)
probabilities. something like:

probs<- t(matrix(rep(1:100),nrow=10)) # matrix with row-wise probabilites
F<- t(apply(probs, 1, cumsum)) #SLOOOW!

One (already faster, but for sure not ideal) solution - thanks to Henrik 

F<- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(probs), ncol=ncol(probs));
F[,1]<- probs[,1,drop=TRUE];
for (cc in 2:ncol(F)) {
   F[,cc]<- F[,cc-1,drop=TRUE] + probs[,cc,drop=TRUE];

In my case, probs is a (30,000 x 10) matrix, and i need to iterate this step 
200,000 times, so speed is crucial. I currently can make sure to have no NAs, 
in order to extend matrixStats, this could be a nontrivial issue.

Any ideas for speeding up this - probably routine - task?

Thanks in advance,

Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
|- http://bit.ly/b8wOqW : LondonR Rcpp slides
|- http://bit.ly/cCmbgg : Rcpp 0.8.6
`- http://bit.ly/bzoWrs : Rcpp svn revision 2000

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