On 25/11/2010 5:38 AM, pilchat wrote:

Dear all,

I am running a MCMC on my data, and I want to plot the results of the
simulation. I want to dedicate a page in the PS file for each element in
my sample, and in each page I need to plot 8 quadrants.

In attachment you find my first attemp (just the first page). Here are
my troubles (I'm sorry if they are stupid, but I am a newby with R):
-) I need to substitute the greek letters wherever you find the full
spelling (I also need to substitute "Surface" with the greek Sigma letter)

See ?plotmath.  The general idea is that you would use

xlab = expression(alpha)

instead of

xlab = "alpha"

-)in the top plots I need to write the "variable=median+-stddeviation
(units)" in a more "readable" way: some characters overlap and I want to
approximate the numebrs to the second decimal digit. This is how I have
been trying so far: text(min(mchain[1,]),max(ndensity$y),substitute(
Log(Surface)[med] ==nmed%+-%nstd,list(nmed=nmed,nstd=nstd) ),pos=4 )

You have some strange font problems. I would guess that you produced the plots by copying from the screen or another device: don't do that, it gets the spacing wrong. Use pdf() or postscript() to open the device and plot directly to it in the desired final size.

-) plot (c): ticks, annotations and labels overlap, but they shouldn't.

Same problem as above.

Here is the code:

-) plot (e) and (f): I need to cancel plot (f) and place plot (e) at the
center of the bottom row

The layout() function might help with this.

-) when I close the R session, the content of the PS file disappears.
How can I retain the graphics output after closing R?

I think you are misunderstanding what's going on. R deletes temporary files when it closes, but you wouldn't normally create a plot in a temporary file.

Duncan Murdoch

Can you help me in getting what I wish? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot


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