> sessionInfo()
R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] Matrix_0.999375-50 lattice_0.19-30   

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.13.1  tools_2.13.1

Dear R-help,

I am using the Matrix (0.999375-50) and MatrixModels (0.2-1) packages to 
estimate regressions with 14,791 fixed effects. I use the function 
sparse.model.matrix() to partial out the fixed effects and then use lm() and an 
adjustment to the standard errors to study the four regressors that I am 
interested in.

I want to calculate standardized residuals and need the diagonal elements of 
the hat matrix. I tried to adjust function hat() in the "stats" package for use 
with sparse matrices. But the method qr.qy does not seem to have a function 
available for the following signature: signature(qr = "sparseQR", y = 
"dgCMatrix") - although it indicates that it understands this signature.

Following is a minimal example (in my application dd2 is too large for my 


mm <- KNex$mm
mmQR <- qr(mm)
dim(mmQR) # 1850  712

class(mmQR) # [1] "sparseQR";attr(,"package");"Matrix"

dd1 <- sparseMatrix(1:ncol(mm),1:ncol(mm), x = 1, dims = c(nrow(mm),ncol(mm)))

class(dd1) # dgCMatrix;attr(,"package");Matrix

dd2 <- diag(1,ncol = ncol(mm) , nrow = nrow(mm))

class(dd2) #matrix

#Function: qr.qy (package base)
#qr="ANY", y="ANY"
#qr="sparseQR", y="dgCMatrix"
#    (inherited from: qr="ANY", y="ANY")
#qr="sparseQR", y="dgeMatrix"
#qr="sparseQR", y="matrix"
#qr="sparseQR", y="numeric"

dhat1 <- rowSums(qr.qy(qr = mmQR, y = dd1)^2) # Error in rowSums(qr.qy(qr = 
mmQR, y = dd1)^2) : 
  # error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 
  # Error in qr.qy(qr = mmQR, y = dd1) : argument is not a QR decomposition

dhat2 <- rowSums(qr.qy(qr = mmQR, y = dd2)^2) # Works fine

I would be grateful for pointers how to add a function for Matrix:::qr.qy and 
signature(qr = "sparseQR", y = "dgCMatrix"). What low level functions do I have 
to call?
I would also be grateful for any suggestions for finding diagonal values of the 
hat matrix in regression problems with large and sparse design matrices.


Felix Lamp
(Erasmus University Rotterdam, School of Economics)

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