Nano is Free Software and a nice intro text editor. It also starts up very quickly and has good syntax highlighting functionality, so it makes a nice file viewer. The syntax highlighting is configured in the ~/.nanorc file. See the attached code and screenshot.

I was looking for good nano syntax highlighting code for R when I found by Stephen Haptonstahl's code here:

He is happy for others to use the code, modify it and distribute it. My edited version of his code is attached. To use it, just append it to your ~/.nanorc file. There's also a systemwide way to use it, but I don't know offhand. To use nano in a view-only mode, just use the -v option to turn off editing functionality:

nano -v file.R

The .R file extension will cause Nano to use the R syntax highlighting, but it can also be triggered with the -Y option:

nano -v -Y R file.whatever

Of course, nano also is an editor, so just drop the -v option if you want to edit a file.

The screenshot looks pretty nice now (I'm using xterm with white on black and haven't tested with black on white), but I'm sure it can be improved further. I don't have time to work on it much now, but maybe someone else will want to pick it up.


Michael B. Miller, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics Specialist
Minnesota Center for Twin and Family Research
Department of Psychology
University of Minnesota
#  Syntax highlighting for R               #
#  by Stephen Haptonstahl                  #
#  March 15, 2009                          #
#   #
#  edited by Mike Miller                   #

syntax "R" "\.R$"

# reserved words
color brightyellow 
color brightyellow "\.\.[0-9]"
color brightred "\b(require|library)\b"

# logicals
color brightgreen "(==|<=|>=|!=|!|<|>|\||\|\||&|&&|%in%|%%|%\*%|%/%|%o%|%x%)"

# strings
color cyan "'[^']*'"
color cyan ""[^"]*""
# "

# variable definitions
color blue "^.*?<-"

color yellow start="[...@%]" end="[[:alnum:]]*"

# function definitions
color magenta "\<([A-Za-z0-9\.]+)\>\("

# parameters -- not working yet
# icolor brightblue "[^,\(=]*=(?:[^=])"

# danger!
color black,red "(stop|warning|return)"
color red " = "

color yellow "[(){}[;|<>]"
color yellow "\]"
color brightred "<-"

## Comment highlighting
color brightblack "#.*$"

<<ATTACHMENT: nano_R.png>>

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