Dear R Community,

I am running GLM's within the "MASS" library. My data are overdispersed and I am accounting for the overdispersion by using an ANOVA 'F' test instead of ANOVA 'Chisq'. You will have to forgive me because I am new at this, but I am not sure if R is conducting an ANOVA 'F' test appropriately. I was hoping to explain this using my data results below:

Analysis of Deviance Table
Response: ytrips

Terms added squentially (first to last)

DF Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev. F Pr(>F) NULL 125 1008.55 WaterLevel 1 0.14 124 1008.42 0.1365 0.7118 RiverFlowObserved 1 13.34 123 995.07 13.3427 0.0002594 WSBacklog 1 12.47 122 982.61 12.4675 0.0004141 factor(WDEW) 1 83.13 121 899.48 83.1258 <2.2e-16 ChickDays 1 157.22 120 742.26 157.2225 <2.2e-16 Salmon 1 6.91 119 735.34 6.9143 0.0085509 factor(Year) 3 370.31 116 365.03 123.4375 <2.2e-16 WSBacklog:factor(WDEW) 1 9.06 115 355.97 9.0644 0.0026063

I think the F-values in the results are over-inflated for an F-test.

For an F-test,

F-observed = (Deviance/Df numerator)/("MSE"=Residual Deviance/Residual Df)

When I calculate F-observed for one of my main effects, such as 'WSBacklogfactor(WDEW)' above I get:

F-observed = (9.06/1)/(355.97/115)=2.92 NOT 9.0644(as shown in the results above)

It seems that the F-test in 'R' is not dividing by the "MSE".

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Or can let me know where I am going wrong?

Thank you!


Christina J. Maranto
University of Washington
Department of Zoology
Box 351800
Seattle, WA 98195
(206) 618-2956

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