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Dear list,

Following the grid package vignette as well as slides by Paul Murrell, I have 
tried to implement a boxplot using the graphical primitives from the grid 

I, however, always seem to have problems with the scale or rather, the data do 
not match the axis. Below is the function and code run. I am using R2.9.0

# Function
bxplt <- function(x, range = 2){
  bxp <- boxplot(x, range = range, plot = FALSE)
  O <- bxp$out
  On <- length(O)
   rep(unit(0.5, "npc"), 2),
   c(unit(bxp$stats[1], "native"),
   unit(bxp$stats[5], "native")),
   name = "whiskers"
  grid.rect(x = unit(0.5, "npc"),
   y = unit(0.5, "npc"),
   just = c("centre", "bottom"),
   height = unit(bxp$stats[4], "native") - unit(bxp$stats[2], "native"),
   width = unit(0.5, "npc"),
   gp = gpar(fill = "grey"),
   name = "box"
  grid.lines(c(unit(0.25, "npc"), unit(0.75, "npc")),
   rep(unit(bxp$stats[3], "native"), 2),
   gp = gpar(lwd = 2),
   name = "median"
  if(On != 0){
   grid.points(x = rep(unit(0.5, "npc")), y = O)
# Code run
x <- rnorm(100)
pushViewport(dataViewport(yData = x, xscale = c(0, 1)))

Additionally, some people might be wondering why I am reimplementing the bocplo 
using grid. The reason is that I need to annotate the plot with something a 
little more elegant than arrows... I wrote the following function, which seems 
to work, but I'm not even sure how I'll get it to work with the above.

# Bracket function
Brack <- function(label, x = 0.5, y = 0.5){
  llab <- stringWidth(label)
  vpBrack <- viewport(x = x, y = y, height = unit(1, "npc"), width = llab + 
unit(4, "char"))
  grid.curve(unit(0, "char"),
     unit(0, "npc"),
     unit(4, "char"),
     unit(0.5, "npc"),
     inflect = TRUE, curvature = 1)
  grid.curve(unit(0, "char"),
     unit(1, "npc"),
     unit(4, "char"),
     unit(0.5, "npc"),
     inflect = TRUE, curvature = -1)
  grid.text(label, x = unit(6, "char"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"), just = "left", 
hjust = "center")

Any suggestions whatsoever are most welcome.

Kind regards,

Stefan Janse van Rensburg

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