I am executing a Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance with 1 DV (LOCOMOTOR
RESPONSE),  2 Within-Subjects Factors (AGE, ACOUSTIC CONDITION), and 1
Between-Subjects Factor (SEX).

Does anyone know whether the between-subjects factor (SEX) belongs in the
Error Term of the aov or not? And if it does belong, where in the Error Term
does it go? The 3 possible scenarios are listed below:


1. Omit Sex from the Error Term:

>My.aov = aov(Locomotor.Response~(Age*AcousticCond*Sex) + Error
(Subject/(Timepoint*Acx.Cond)), data=locomotor.tab)

  note: Placing SEX outside the double paretheses of the Error Term has the
same statistical outcome effect as omitting it all together from the Error
Term (as shown above in #1).

2.  Include SEX inside the Error Term (inside Double parentheses):

>My.aov = aov(Locomotor.Response~(Age*AcousticCond*Sex) + Error
(Subject/(Timepoint*Acx.Cond+Sex)), data=locomotor.tab)

3.  Include SEX inside the Error Term (inside Single parentheses):

>My.aov = aov(Locomotor.Response~(Age*AcousticCond*Sex) + Error
(Subject/(Timepoint*Acx.Cond)+Sex), data=locomotor.tab)

note: Placing SEX inside the single parentheses (as shown above in #3)
generates no main effect of Sex. Thus, I'm fairly confident that option #3
is incorrect.

Scenarios 1,2, and 3 yield different results in the aov summary.

Thanks for your help!


Alexander T Baugh
Institute for Neuroscience
Univ. of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712

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