[R] TukeyHSD for repeated measures aov ?

2006-03-28 Thread WPhantom
Hi all, I search the archive for finding a simple solution for using TukeyHSD with a multistratum aov result (a repeated emasure anova). The Question have been asked but I've found no clear answer. res-aov(y~Fa*Fb+Error(Subject/(Fa*Fb)) ) I think that the problem is that res is an aovlist

[R] A concrete type I/III Sum of square problem

2006-02-14 Thread WPhantom
Hi R-help members, I have read a lot in the Archive about the Type I vs Type III sum of square. I think I have read confusing post so I want to have a clear idea of the problem. Here is an example. I have 3 groups of subjects of unequal sample size (G1 (n=7), G2 (n=7), G3 (n=4)). for Each

Re: [R] A concrete type I/III Sum of square problem

2006-02-14 Thread WPhantom
Thanks Brian for the reference. I just discover that it is available in our library so I going to take it read it soon. Actually, I don't even know the difference between a multistratum vs a single-stratum AOV. A quick search on google returned me the R materials so that I imagine that these