[R] stepAIC on lm() where response is a matrix..

2007-06-27 Thread vinod gullu
dear R users, I have fit the lm() on a mtrix of responses. i.e M1 = lm(cbind(R1,R2)~ X+Y+0). When i use summary(M1), it shows details for R1 and R2 separately. Now i want to use stepAIC on these models. But when i use stepAIC(M1) an error message comes saying that dropterm.mlm is not

[R] lm for matrix of response...

2007-06-10 Thread vinod gullu
Dear All, 1)Can I use lm() to fit more than one response in single expression. e.g data is a matrix of these variables R1 R2 R3 X Y Z 1 2 1 1 2 3 Now i wnat to fit R1:R3 ~ X+Y+Z. 2) How can i use Singular Value decomposition (SVD) as an alternate to lsq. Regards,

[R] NA in lm()

2007-04-26 Thread vinod gullu
Hi all, I am trying to fit full quadratic model i.e liear + square + interaction terms to my data (216 data points), so in my case coefficients are 28 (6 parameters). When i look into summary lm() of model all cross terms coefficients are NA. What does this mean? Is the regression is not able to

[R] How to return more than one variable from function

2007-04-20 Thread vinod gullu
Dera R users, I have written a function which computes variance, sd, r^2, R^2adj etc. But i am not able to return all of them in return statement. So how to return more than one variable from function. In C i used to return by pointers etc. is there any way like that. Thanks in advance.

[R] DOE in R

2007-03-27 Thread vinod gullu
Hello I want to know that in R which library/package supports Design of Experiments(I,D etc optimality or conventional DOE) Regards, It's here! Your new message! Get new email alerts with the free Yahoo!

[R] Predict(); Warning rank deficient matrix

2007-02-18 Thread vinod gullu
I am trying to use lm() for resression followed by stepAIC function. Now when i try to use to predict for some input, predict() gives a warning : prediction from a Rank deficient matrix may be misleading. As I am new to R (or to statistics) How alarming this warning may be? Regards,

[R] Help neural network in R

2007-02-12 Thread vinod gullu
I am interested in Neural network models in R. Is there any reference material/tutorial which i can use. Regards, TV dinner still cooling? Check out Tonight's Picks on Yahoo! TV.

[R] Canging the type of point points sizein plots..

2007-01-27 Thread vinod gullu
I want to plot variation of more than one variable in single plot with different point types and points sizes . Can someone help me to do that, Thanks in advance. vinod Now that's room service! Choose from

[R] aov and lm

2007-01-25 Thread vinod gullu
I am trying to fit a model with 4 parameteres on one response. I have 32 points and the model contains linear, quadratic and interaction terms. Now when i apply the Step AIC method most of my square terms drop out (which i think is not correct if physics is concerned) So is there any way to