Apologies for cross postings! 

Geomorphometry 2009
29 August - 2 September 2009
Zurich, Switzerland
Ross Purves       University of Zurich
Stephan Gruber    University of Zurich
Tomislav Hengl    University of Amsterdam
Workshop proposals due                          14 January 2009
Extended abstracts due                          1 March 2009
Notification of acceptance                      1 April 2009
Final camera-ready digital manuscripts due      1 May 2009
Author registration deadline                    15 May 2009
Early registration deadline                     15 May 2009
Geomorphometry 2009 Workshops                   29 August & 30 August 2009 
Geomorphometry 2009                             31 August - 2 September 2009
The aim of Geomorphometry 2009 is to bring together researchers to present and 
discuss developments
in the field of quantitative modelling and analysis of elevation data. 
Geomorphometry is the science
of quantitative land-surface analysis and description at diverse spatial 
scales. It draws upon
mathematical, statistical and image-processing techniques and interfaces with 
many disciplines
including hydrology, geology, computational geometry, geomorphology, remote 
sensing, geographic
information science and geography. The conference aims to attract leading 
researchers in
geomorphometry presenting methodological advances in the field and to provide 
young researchers with
an opportunity to present new results.
The Geomorphometry 2009 conference will continue a series initiated by the 
Terrain Analysis and
Digital Terrain Modelling conference hosted by Nanjing Normal University in 
November 2006.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Extraction of land-surface parameters from DEMs
- Implications of novel data sources 
- Identification and classification of land-surface objects
- Uncertainty in geomorphometry
- Semantics of land-surface description   
- Visualisation in geomorphometry   
- Implications of scale and resolution
- Flow and hydrological modelling using DEMs
- Efficient methods for application to large data sets
- Novel applications of geomorphometry
- Planetary geomorphometry
We specifically aim at papers with new methodological insights and thus papers 
which simply describe
the application of GIS are discouraged.
The conference programme will be based around a single track of papers, all of 
which will be subject
to review in the form of extended abstracts by members of the programme 
committee. Criteria for
paper acceptance will include relevance to the conference, novelty, scientific 
relation to previous work in the domain and the quality of presentation. The 
proceedings will be
made available both digitally and as printed working materials to attendees at 
the time of the
conference and archived online. A special issue of a journal, to which authors 
will be invited to
submit full papers after the conference is also planned.
Geomorphometry will host up to three workshops, each with 15-30 attendees on 
the 29th and 30th
August. We invite applications to host a workshop on a theme related to the 
main conference.
Workshops should primarily take the form of either tutorials in a particular 
method or technique, or
provide the opportunity for detailed discussion of upcoming topics. They should 
not simply be
mini-conferences. If you are interested in organising a workshop, please mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with WORKSHOP as the subject line, as well as a 1-page 
description of the
workshop with the following headings: intended aims and scope, intended 
audience, outline workshop
programme and technical requirements.  
Prospective authors will be invited to submit extended abstracts of up to 2000 
words by the above
deadline through the EasyChair system. Formatting instructions and detailed 
information on using the
submission system will be available in due course. Extended abstracts must be 
original works by the
authors, not be currently under review in the same form by another outlet and 
not submitted
elsewhere prior to the notification date.
Alexander Brenning      University of Waterloo, Canada
Ian Evans               Durham University, UK
Peter Fisher            University of Leicester, UK
John Gallant            CSIRO, Australia
Paul Gessler            University of Idaho, USA
Stephan Gruber          University of Zurich, Switzerland
Tomislav Hengl          University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Oliver Korup            WSL, Switzerland
Helena Mitasova         North Carolina State University, USA
Scott Peckham           Rivix, USA
Hannes Reuter           Joint Research Centre, Italy
Robert Weibel           University of Zurich, Switzerland
John Wilson             University of Southern California, USA
Jo Wood                 City University, UK
Ralph Straumann         University of Zurich, Switzerland
Ross Purves             University of Zurich, Switzerland
Qiming Zhou             Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

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