
I have been trying to figure out a few details in the caper functions brunch 
and crunch.

Say I want to run PIC for Y as a function of X (as seen in Garland and Ives 
2000), my understanding is I would have to find the IC's for Y and X 
independently and apply the regression formulas.

What kinds of "models" can I use in crunch? Can I do Y as a function of X1 and 
X2, all of the variables being continuous? Are the contrasts for each variable 
computed independently or simultaneously?

Does brunch only let me use Y as a function of one binary trait? Does it allow 
Y to be a function of one continuous trait and on binary trait?


Yanthe E. Pearson
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dept. of Biology, Fagan Lab
University of Maryland College Park

Email: ypear...@umd.edu
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