Hi Viviane,

If you believe that your traits are correlated - that is there is a 
variance-covariance matrix that describes the evolutionary correlations among 
these traits, then I don’t think you don't want to fit the models to each trait 
and transform the tree each time you simulate. You’d be better off estimating 
lambda for all traits simultaneously. You can do this in Gavin Thomas' motmot 
package http://gavinhthomas.wordpress.com/motmot/, and I’m sure Liam has 
something to do this in phytools too. You can then use the trait VCV and your 
multivariate lambda to simulate correlated traits on an appropriately scaled 
tree. You could do this directly (drawing from a multivariate normal 
distribution after taking the Kronecker product of your phylogenetic and trait 
VCVs) or else you can use a function like geiger’s sim.char a trait vcv matrix 
to generate correlated traits.

More importantly, I don’t think you want to simulate with a lambda transform to 
generate your null model if you’re interested in knowing whether your traits 
are over or underdispersed. If your multivariate trait lambda is indeed close 
to 1, then the phylogenetic covariances among taxa do a relatively good job of 
predicting similarity and your trait is not really overdispersed relative to a 
constant rate process like Brownian motion. I think what you really want to do 
is generate a VCV for the traits and then simulate correlated trait evolution 
under BM on your unscaled tree. You can then use some measure of dispersion in 
multivariate space to ask whether your observed trait variance is significantly 
lower or higher than expected under BM.


Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012

(202) 633-1316

On Aug 7, 2014, at 7:40 AM, Viviane Deslandes 
<viviane.deslan...@gmail.com<mailto:viviane.deslan...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I am investigating patterns of phenotypic overdispersion/clustering in a
reginal scale. I am using a set of traits to calculate phenotypic
diversity. I need to simulate this set of correlated traits to generate a
null model.

I would like to know whether the following approach is appropriate:

- I used fitContinuous::Geiger to verify which model of evolution best fits
to my traits.The models used were White Noise, Ornstein Uhlenbeck, Brownian
Motion, Early Bust and lambda.

- I compared the models according to its AICc values. Most of my traits
fitted better to lambda model with values next to 1 (0.9).

Can I transform the original tree based on lambda values for each trait
separately (using transform.phylo) and then to use a function to simulate
the evolution of each song trait?

Which is the appropriate function to simulate ( "RtraitCont", "sim.corrs"
or fastBM)?

Thank you,


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