On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 7:44 PM Don Green <infodeveloper...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am currently of the belief that I should refrain from using side-by-side 
> frames.

Maybe? Almost all desktop systems provide some way for users to easily
arrange common setups like this... do you need to manage this from
within your application at all or can you just punt it out to the
windowing system? (This has the added benefit of letting users make
other choices that might make more sense in unusual setups like tall
vertical monitors, multiple monitors that aren't the same resolution,
aren't aligned, etc... where strict side-by-side may not work or be

> The upshot is that I can then no longer use menus either because menus can 
> only exist in frames and I would need more that the single top-level frame.
> Any suggestions?
> I am currently thinking I should use the panel-tab with a couple of panels 
> each containing an editor-canvas and place buttons on these panels instead of 
> using menus.

My racket/gui experience is limited and rusty, so I'm not going to
comment on specifics. What I will say though, is that it seems to me
like you've been XY-ing this problem the last few threads and might
benefit from taking a step back. You may be more likely to get better
input if you could give a description of what you're ultimately trying
to achieve rather than suggesting solutions and problem solving the
little details out of context.

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