I currently deal with semantic data on a daily basis and a year ago I 
started to work on a project in Racket that involved building RDF toolset 
that I was hoping to open source and use it for implementing the proposal 
outlined in the issue I've just started.
Unfortunately lack of existing toolset and hard interop with Java, forced 
me to abandon the idea of developing the project in Racket and instead 
forced me to switch to Java and Javascript (where the toolset is mostly 

For these and financial reasons I had to put off (abandon?) building the 
prototype for the solution I believe could solve some issues currently 
being discussed like allowing to reference source location of the code in 
scribble, improve "querability", SEO.

But since some discussion started to float around I decided to outline the 
solution I had in mind for long term Scribble direction. If you have any 
technical details regarding the proposal I suggest github issue here:


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