Dear Rackteers, I appreciate getting feedback on this small victory.  I
know so many come here asking for such things.  So let me try to offer
you something too.  How about fun with history?  Did you know that you
could solve linear systems with mere determinant computation?  I didn't!

After Gauss came along, nobody cares about it anymore.  Gaussian
Elimination[1] is so much better, faster and everything.  I even think
that mathematics can be defined as the game which Gauss always wins.

A long time ago, determinant theory was big and linear algebra was
small.  It's backwards now.

Do you know how the determinant program came about?  We solve a
2-unknown linear system by substituting y for an expression involving x
alone.  Then we solve for x.  With x now known, we solve for y.

As it turns out that this procedure can be represented in the following
way.  Consider the system

  ax + by = c
  dx + ey = f

To discover the value of x, you do the substitutions, which is the same
as computing

  x = (bf - ce) / (ae - bd)
  y = (af - cd) / (ae - bd)

You know these fractions can be expressed with determinants of 2x2
matrices.  So, for 2-unknown systems, we can express their solutions
with determinants.  You see, determinants /determine/ the value of these
unknowns.  That's where the word comes from.  (I think.  I couldn't cite
a source.  If you can, please do.)

But that's not all: this program generalizes to n-unknown systems.
Lancelot Hogben shows how, in his book ``Mathematics for the Million'',
W. W. Norton, 1968. (Chapter ``The Algebra of the Chessboard.'')

The bad news is when the system is either singular or indeterminate.  By
merely computing determinants, we can't even know which is which.  The
denominator of any unknown is zero in either case.  To find out which is
the case, we have to reduce the rows, handing the victory to Gauss, the
prince of mathematicians.

Thank you!

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#lang racket

;; A Row is a (List-of Number)
;; Examples:
;; (make-row '(1 1 1)) '(1 1 1)

(define (make-row ls)
  (cond [(empty? ls) (error 'make-row "a row cannot be empty")]
        [else ls]))

;; A Matrix is either
;;  - Empty OR
;;  - (make-matrix (List-of Row))

;; Examples:
;; empty
;; (make-matrix) empty
;; (make-matrix '((1 0) (0 1))) '((1 0) (0 1))
;; (make-matrix '((1 0 0 -2) (0 1 0 -3) (0 0 1 -4))) '((1 0 0 -2) (0 1 0 -3) (0 
0 1 -4))
;; (make-matrix '((1 1 1) (1 1))) "error: rows of different lengths"

(define (make-matrix [ls-of-ls empty])
  (local [(define (same-numbers? ls-of-ls)
            (cond [(or (= 0 (length ls-of-ls)) (= 1 (length ls-of-ls))) #t]
                  [else (if (not (= (first ls-of-ls) (second ls-of-ls)))
                            (same-numbers? (rest ls-of-ls)))]))]
         (cond [(empty? ls-of-ls) empty]
               [(not (same-numbers? (map length ls-of-ls)))
                (error 'make-matrix "rows of matrix don't have the same 
               [else ls-of-ls])))

;; Matrix -> (List-of Number) OR Symbol

;; Takes a matrix representing a system of equations Ax=b and produces
;; the solution set for the system.  The vector b must be provided in
;; the matrix (as the last column.)  If the system has a non-unique
;; solution or no solution, I merely produce

;;                'no-solution-or-non-unique-solution

;; because I don't know how to do better.

;; Examples:
;; (solve '((1 0 -2) (0 1 -3))) (2 3)
;; (solve '((1 0 0 2) (0 1 0 3) (0 0 1 4))) (-2 -3 -4)
;; (solve '((0 0 0 0) (0 1 0 3) (0 0 1 4))) 'no-solution-or-non-unique-solution
;; (solve '((1 0 -2) (0 x -3))) 'non-numeric-matrix

(define (solve m)
  (if (not (matrix-numbers-only? m))
      (let* ([rows (matrix-rows m)]
             [cols (matrix-cols m)]
             [Dc (determinant (matrix-erase-column m cols))])
        (if (= Dc 0)
            (map (lambda (i)
                   (solve-for m i)) (build-list rows (lambda (t) (add1 t))))))))

;; A VariableIndex is an Index, but with a restriction.  For a matrix
;; (make-matrix '((1 0 -2) (0 1 -3))), while Index can be any of 1, 2
;; and 3, VariableIndex can only be 1 or 2.  In other words,
;; VariableIndex ranges on the unknowns of the system, not on the
;; columns of the matrix.

;; Matrix VariableIndex -> Number

;; Takes a matrix m, an index x specifying a variable to be solved for
;; and produces the value of that variable, if the system has a
;; solution.  We assume the system always has a unique solution.

;; Examples:
;; (solve-for '((1 0 -2) (0 1 -3)) 2) 3
;; (solve-for '((1 0 -2) (0 1 -3)) 1) 2
;; (solve-for '((1 0 0 -2) (0 1 0 -3) (0 0 1 -4)) 1) 2
;; (solve-for '((1 0 0 -2) (0 1 0 -3) (0 0 1 -4)) 2) 3
;; (solve-for '((1 0 0 -2) (0 1 0 -3) (0 0 1 -4)) 3) 4

;; The names Dx and Dc follow up on the notation by Lancelot Thomas
;; Hogben, exposed in ``Mathematics for the Million'', W. W. Norton,
;; 1968.  See the chapter ``The Algebra of the Chessboard.''

;; Essentially, Dx is the determinant relative to the x-unknown.  It
;; is the determinant obtained by ignoring the x-column and
;; considering only the other columns.  The Dc determinant is the
;; determinants of the [c]onstants; that is, the determinant obtained
;; by ignoring the constants.  (Ignoring the b-vector of Ax=b.)

;; Key equation here is:
;; x/Dx = -y/Dy = z/Dz = -1/Dc

;; It means -x = Dx/Dc
;;           y = Dy/Dc
;;          -z = Dz/Dc

;; That's for a 3x4 matrix. If it were a 4x5 matrix, then the key
;; equation would be -x/Dx = y/Dy = -z/Dz = w/Dw = -1/Dc

;; It means x = Dx/Cc
;;         -y = Dy/Dc
;;          z = Dz/Dc
;;         -w = Dw/Dc

;; In other words, an odd number of equations means we begin negative
;; and alternate signs, while even number means we begin positive and
;; alternative signs.

(define (solve-for m i)
  (let* ([rows (matrix-rows m)]
         [cols (matrix-cols m)]
         [Dx (determinant (matrix-erase-column m i))]
         [Dc (determinant (matrix-erase-column m cols))]
         [sign (lambda (i) (expt -1 (if (odd? rows) i (add1 i))))])
    (* (/ Dx Dc) (sign i))))

;; Matrix -> Number

;; Takes a matrix m and produces the determinant of m.

;; Examples:
;; (determinant empty) 0
;; (determinant '((9))) 9
;; (determinant '((1 1))) 'non-square
;; (determinant '((1 0) (0 1))) 1
;; (determinant '((1 1) (1 1))) 0
;; (determinant '((1 2 3) (3 5 7) (7 9 9))) 2
;; (determinant '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9))) 0

(define (determinant m)
   [(define (determinant-2-by-2 m)
      (let ([a (matrix-ref m 1 1)]
            [b (matrix-ref m 1 2)]
            [c (matrix-ref m 2 1)]
            [d (matrix-ref m 2 2)])
        (- (* a d) (* b c))))
    (define (determinant-any-dimension m)
      (cond [(is-matrix-1-by-1? m) (matrix-ref m 1 1)]
            [(is-matrix-2-by-2? m) (determinant-2-by-2 m)]
                 ([acc-sum 0])
                 ([j (in-naturals 1)]
                  [e (in-list (matrix-row-ref m 1))])
               (let ([s (if (even? j) -1 1)]) ; sign of co-factor
                 (+ acc-sum
                    (* s e (determinant-any-dimension (minor m 1 j))))))]))]
   (cond [(empty? m) 0]
         [(not (is-matrix-square? m)) 'non-square]
         [else (determinant-any-dimension m)])))

;; Matrix Index Index -> Matrix

;; Produces the corresponding minor for the co-factor expansion of a
;; determinant.  More precisely, it takes a matrix, a RowIndex, a
;; ColumnIndex, producing a matrix without the row and column
;; specified.

;; Examples:
;; (minor '((1 2 3) (3 5 7) (7 9 9)) 1 1) '((5 7) (9 9))
;; (minor '((1 2 3) (3 5 7) (7 9 9)) 1 2) '((3 7) (7 9))

(define (minor m r c)
  (matrix-erase-row (matrix-erase-column m c) r))

;; Matrix Index -> Matrix

;; It takes a matrix and a column-index, producing a matrix from the
;; former without the specified column.

;; Examples:
;; (matrix-erase-column '((1 2 3) (3 5 7) (7 9 9)) 1) '((2 3) (5 7) (9 9))

(define (matrix-erase-column m c)
  (cols->rows (untag (filter (lambda (pair) (not (= (car pair) c)))
                             (tag (rows->cols m))))))

;; Matrix Index -> Matrix

;; It takes a matrix and a row-index, producing a matrix from the
;; former without the specified row.

;; Examples:
;; (matrix-erase-row '((1 2 3) (3 5 7) (7 9 9)) 2) '((1 2 3) (7 9 9))

(define (matrix-erase-row m r)
  (untag (filter (lambda (pair) (not (= (car pair) r))) (tag m))))

;; (List-of (Pair X Y)) -> (List-of Y)

;; Takes a list of pairs, which are composed of types X and Y,
;; producing a list of Y only.  That it, produce a list of the Ys in
;; the pairs, getting rid of the Xs.

;; Examples:
;; (untag '((1 (x x x)) (2 (y y y)))) '((x x x) (y y y))

(define (untag ls-of-pairs)
  (for/list ([pair ls-of-pairs])
    (cadr pair)))

;; (List-of Y) -> (List-of (Pair Natural Y))

;; Takes a list of Y and produces a list of pairs.  Each pair is
;; composed of a natural number and Y.  That is, index the list out
;; with natural numbers.

;; Examples:
;; (tag '((1 2 3) (3 5 7))) '((1 (1 2 3)) (2 (3 5 7)))
;; (untag (tag '((1 2 3) (3 5 7)))) '((1 2 3) (3 5 7))

(define (tag ls-of-y)
  (for/list ([e ls-of-y]
             [i (in-naturals 1)])
    (list i e)))

;; Matrix Natural -> Boolean

;; Takes a matrix m, a natural dim, the dimension desired, producing
;; TRUE whether the matrix is square and is of the desired dimension.

;; Examples:
;; (is-matrix-n-by-n? '((1 1) (1 1)) 2) #t
;; (is-matrix-n-by-n? '((1 1 1)) 2) #f

(define (is-matrix-dim-by-dim? m dim)
  (= dim (matrix-rows m) (matrix-cols m)))

(define (is-matrix-2-by-2? m)
  (is-matrix-dim-by-dim? m 2))

(define (is-matrix-1-by-1? m)
  (is-matrix-dim-by-dim? m 1))

;; Matrix -> Boolean

;; Takes a matrix, producing TRUE is the matrix is square.

;; Examples:
;; (is-matrix-square? '((1 0) (0 1))) #t
;; (is-matrix-square? '()) #t
;; (is-matrix-square? '((9))) #t
;; (is-matrix-square? '((1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1))) #t
;; (is-matrix-square? '((1 1))) #f

(define (is-matrix-square? m)
  (= (matrix-rows m) (matrix-cols m)))

;; Matrix -> Matrix

;; Takes a row-oriented matrix m and produces a column-oriented
;; matrix.

;; Examples:
;; (rows->cols '((1 2 3) (4 5 6))) '((1 4) (2 5) (3 6))
;; (rows->cols '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (3 3 3))) '((1 4 3) (2 5 3) (3 6 3))
;; (rows->cols empty) empty

(define (rows->cols m)
  (for/list ([j (in-range 1 (add1 (matrix-cols m)))])
    (for/list ([i (in-range 1 (add1 (matrix-rows m)))])
      (matrix-ref m i j))))

;; Matrix -> Matrix

;; Takes a column-oriented matrix m and produces a row-oriented
;; matrix.  As it turns out, this function is identical to the above.

;; Examples:
;; (cols->rows (rows->cols '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)))) '((1 2 3) (4 5 6))

(define cols->rows rows->cols)

;; Matrix -> Boolean

;; Takes a matrix m, producing TRUE if the matrix is a numeric one.

;; Examples:
;; (matrix-numbers-only? (make-matrix empty)) #t
;; (matrix-numbers-only? (make-matrix '((1 1) (1 3)))) #t
;; (matrix-numbers-only? (make-matrix '((1 x)))) #f

(define (matrix-numbers-only? m)
  (local [(define (true? x) (not (false? x)))]
         (cond [(empty? m) #t]
               [else (andmap true? (for/list ([row m])
                                     (andmap number? row)))])))

;; Matrix Index -> Row

;; Takes a matrix m, a row-index i, procuding the i-th row of m

;; Examples:
;; (matrix-row-ref '((1 2 3) (3 5 7) (7 9 9)) 2) '(3 5 7)

(define (matrix-row-ref m r)
  (list-ref m (sub1 r)))

;; Matrix Index Index -> Number

;; Takes a matrix and two indices, producing the Matrix(i,j) element

;; Examples:
;; (matrix-ref '((1 2 3) (5 7 8) (4 6 3)) 1 1) 1
;; (matrix-ref '((1 2 3) (5 7 8) (4 6 3)) 2 2) 7

(define (matrix-ref matrix i j)
  (list-ref (list-ref matrix (sub1 i)) (sub1 j)))

;; Matrix -> Natural

;; Takes a matrix producing its number of rows

;; Examples:
;; (matrix-rows '((1 0 2) (0 1 3))) 2
;; (matrix-rows empty)

(define (matrix-rows m)
  (length m))

;; Matrix -> Natural

;; Takes a matrix producing its number of columns

;; Examples:
;; (matrix-cols '((1 0 2) (0 1 3))) == 3

(define (matrix-cols m)
  (if (empty? m) 0 (length (first m))))

(provide (all-defined-out))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

[1] To be fair, Gauss-Jordan Elimiation.  Gauss used to row echelon a
matrix and then fall back to backward substitution.  Jordan, looking at
that, decided to keep on rewriting equations until /reduced/ row echelon
form.  (If you can cite good sources on these details, please do.)  In
practice, I'm like Gauss: ehen I reach row echelon form, I fall back to
backward substitution.  That's because I make so many mistakes when
reducing rows, so I avoid it.  I seem to even prefer the determinant
method for small systems.  I make less mistakes in determinants.

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