I am pleased to announce Algebraic Racket, an extension for algebraic
structures in untyped Racket.


Algebraic structures provide the operational under-pinnings for algebraic
data types. What's missing is the static typing constraints.

The initial release provides a #lang algebraic/racket/base that extends
#lang racket/base with:

1. First class, lexically scoped, naturally ordered data constructors.

  > (data Maybe (Just Nothing))
  > (define maybe
        [(n _ Nothing) n]
        [(_ f (Just x)) (f x)]))
  > (maybe #f values (Just 123))
  > (maybe #f values Nothing)

2. A consistent destructuring syntax for functions and macros.

  > (define fib
        [n #:if (< n 2) 1]
        [n (+ (fib (- n 1))
              (fib (- n 2)))]))
  > (map fib (build-list 7 values))
  '(1 1 2 3 5 8 13)

  > (define-syntax m-fib
        [n:nat #:if (< (var n) 2) 1]
        [n:nat (+ (m-fib #,(- (var n) 1))
                  (m-fib #,(- (var n) 2)))]))
  > (list (m-fib 0) (m-fib 1) (m-fib 2)
          (m-fib 3) (m-fib 4) (m-fib 5) (m-fib 6))
  '(1 1 2 3 5 8 13)

The package is fully documented. The documentation includes the first of
three tutorials in a series on building interpreters with Algebraic

Algebraic Racket is the first major milestone in a larger effort to
produce a complete language-oriented toolkit for integrating algebraic
structure into more sophisticated designs.

The project aims to:

  1. Implement and document the forms, functions, and syntax classes
     comprising Algebraic Racket for maximum potential reuse.

  2. Support the development of modular type systems and other
     language-facing components as libraries.

Pull requests of any size are welcome. For major changes, please start a
conversation on racket-users or open an issue to discuss what you would
like to change.

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