While trying to express in the contract system Daniel Prager's check that a
possibly-buggy square root function actually returns the square root of its
argument (and in particular the nice error messages, I ran into a few
things that weren't quite as I expected.

My first attempt, using flat-contract-with-explanation, looks like this:

(define/contract (squares-to/within/c x error)
  (-> (>=/c 0) (>=/c 0) flat-contract?)
   (λ (rslt)
       [(not (real? rslt))
        (λ (blame)
            blame rslt
            '(expected: "real?" given: "~e")
       [(<= (abs (- x (* rslt rslt)))
         (λ (blame)
            blame rslt
              "a number that squares to ~e ± ~e"
              given: "~e"
              "\n  " given " squared:  ~e")
            x error rslt (* rslt rslt)))]))))

(define/contract (buggy-sqrt x)
  (->i ([x (>=/c 0)])
       [rslt (x)
        (if (= 0 x)
            (=/c 0)
            (and/c (>/c 0)
                   (squares-to/within/c x 0.0000001)))])

(Aside: I noticed that despite this thread, flat-contract-with-explanation
still does not accept a #:name argument, or at least not in 6.9.)

Given the above, (buggy-sqrt 4) produces this fairly unhelpful error
message, including none of the nice reporting:

buggy-sqrt: broke its own contract
  promised: (and/c (and/c real? positive?) anonymous-flat-contract)
  produced: 1
  in: the rslt result of
       ((x (and/c real? (not/c negative?))))
        (if (= 0 x)
          (=/c 0)
           (>/c 0)
           (squares-to/within/c x 1e-07)))))
  contract from: (function buggy-sqrt)
  blaming: (function buggy-sqrt)
   (assuming the contract is correct)
  at: unsaved-editor:26.18

I then tried dropping down to make-flat-contract like this:

(define/contract (squares-to/within/c-v2 x error)
  (-> (>=/c 0) (>=/c 0) flat-contract?)
   #:name `(squares-to/within/c-v2 ,x ,error)
   #:first-order (λ (rslt)
                   (and (real? rslt)
                        (<= (abs (- x (* rslt rslt)))
   (λ (blame)
     (λ (rslt neg-party)
         [(not (real? rslt))
            blame rslt #:missing-party neg-party
            '(expected: "real?" given: "~e")
         [(<= (abs (- x (* rslt rslt)))
           blame rslt #:missing-party neg-party
             "a number that squares to ~e ± ~e"
             given: "~e"
             "\n  " given " squared:  ~e")
           x error rslt (* rslt rslt))])))))

(define/contract (buggy-sqrt-v2 x)
  (->i ([x (>=/c 0)])
       [rslt (x)
        (if (= 0 x)
            (=/c 0)
            (and/c (>/c 0)
                   (squares-to/within/c-v2 x 0.0000001)))])

but (buggy-sqrt-v2 4) gives this error:

buggy-sqrt-v2: broke its own contract
  promised: (and/c (and/c real? positive?) (squares-to/within/c-v2 4 1e-07))
  produced: 1
  in: the rslt result of
       ((x (and/c real? (not/c negative?))))
        (if (= 0 x)
          (=/c 0)
           (>/c 0)
           (squares-to/within/c-v2 x 1e-07)))))
  contract from: (function buggy-sqrt-v2)
  blaming: (function buggy-sqrt-v2)
   (assuming the contract is correct)
  at: unsaved-editor:67.18

which is improved only in that it includes a name: it still doesn't use the
nice error message I programed in, and it doesn't even tell me which case
of the and/c failed (though that is fairly obvious in this case).

Just for completeness, I also tried a struct, like so:

(struct squares-to/within-contract (x error)
  #:property prop:custom-write contract-custom-write-property-proc
  #:property prop:flat-contract
     [(squares-to/within-contract x error)
      `(squares-to/within/c-v3 ,x ,error)])
     [(squares-to/within-contract x error)
      (λ (rslt)
        (and (real? rslt)
             (<= (abs (- x (* rslt rslt)))
     [(squares-to/within-contract x error)
      (λ (blame)
        (λ (rslt neg-party)
            [(not (real? rslt))
              blame rslt #:missing-party neg-party
              '(expected: "real?" given: "~e")
            [(<= (abs (- x (* rslt rslt)))
              blame rslt #:missing-party neg-party
                "a number that squares to ~e ± ~e"
                given: "~e"
                "\n  " given " squared:  ~e")
              x error rslt (* rslt rslt))])))])))

(define/contract (squares-to/within/c-v3 x error)
  (-> (>=/c 0) (>=/c 0) flat-contract?)
  (squares-to/within-contract x error))

(define/contract (buggy-sqrt-v3 x)
  (->i ([x (>=/c 0)])
       [rslt (x)
        (if (= 0 x)
            (=/c 0)
            (and/c (>/c 0)
                   (squares-to/within/c-v3 x 0.0000001)))])

but (buggy-sqrt-v3 4) was like (buggy-sqrt-v2 4) except for the version

I would also note that using the contract in e.g.

(define/contract buggy
  (and/c number? (squares-to/within/c-v3 4 0.0000001))

gives the nice error I wanted:

../../Applications/Racket v6.9/collects/racket/private/kw.rkt:1170:47:
buggy: broke its own contract
  promised: a number that squares to 4 ± 1e-07
  produced: 1
  produced squared:  1
  in: an and/c case of
       (squares-to/within/c-v3 4 1e-07))
  contract from: (definition buggy)
  blaming: (definition buggy)
   (assuming the contract is correct)
  at: unsaved-editor:131.17

The error message just seems to be lost with some subset of combinators,
evidently including ->i.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Prager <daniel.a.pra...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 2, 2017 at 5:01 PM
Subject: [racket-users] Apropos contracts: simple predicates and switching
on and off
To: Racket Users <racket-users@googlegroups.com>

#lang racket

(define pre-conditions-on #t)
(define post-conditions-on #t)

(define (implies a b)
  (or (not a) b))

(define-syntax-rule (pre [test? msg] ...)
  (unless (not pre-conditions-on)
    (unless test?
      (error (~a "Pre-condition violation: " msg))) ...))

(define-syntax-rule (post [test? msg] ...)
  (unless (not post-conditions-on)
    (unless test?
      (error (~a "Post-condition violation: " msg))) ...))

(define (real-sqrt x)
  (pre [(real? x) "real argument expected"]
       [(>= x 0) "non-negative argument expected"])

  (define result (sqrt x))
  ; Change the implementation to 1, 0, (- x) to trigger various
post-condition errors

  (post [(implies (= x 0) (= result 0)) "The sqrt of zero should be zero"]
        [(implies (> x 0) (> result 0)) "Positive numbers have positive
        [(implies (> x 0) (<= (abs (- x (* result result))) 0.0000001))
         "result * result = x (to within error)"])

(real-sqrt 0)
(real-sqrt 9)
(real-sqrt -9) ; Pre-condition error

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