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Sender: Sjamsir Sjarif (

Comment from Sjamsir Sjarif:
Menyusukan Bayi dengan Air Susu Ibu sangat penting dalam kedaan darurat.
Pentingnya masalah ini baik disampaikan kepada masyarakat, istimewa kepada
ibu-ibu yang punya bayi di dalam bencana Masa Gempa yang diderita sekarang.
Juga untuk pegangan di waktu kritis yang tidak diharapkan di masa depan.
Perhatikanlah laporan di bawah ini.
Sjamsir Sjarif

Source: Integrated Regional Information Networks
Date: 13 Nov 2009

BANGKOK, 13 November 2009 (IRIN) - A recent spate of natural disasters in
                                Asia has further underscored the importance
                                of breastfeeding during emergencies, with a
                                need for additional policies to support

                                Hundreds of thousands were displaced and
                                forced into evacuation shelters following a
                                series of deadly typhoons in the
                                Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos,
                                and an earthquake in Indonesia in the past
                                two months.

                                But according to experts, during such
                                disasters, support for mothers to
                                breastfeed is often overlooked and not
                                given the priority it needs, despite its
                                life-saving function.

                                Besides raising awareness of the importance
                                of breastfeeding, aid organizations need to
                                have policies on infant feeding, they say.

                                "You have to have a strong policy in place,
                                and make sure all the actors and all the
                                staff in that organization know about this
                                policy," Anna Winoto, a nutrition
                                specialist with the UN Children's Fund
                                (UNICEF) in Indonesia, told IRIN.

                                In emergency situations, poor water and
                                sanitation and security situations
                                contribute to a heightened risk of disease
                                among children, who are vulnerable to
                                diarrhoea, malnutrition and pneumonia.

                                Practices such as using infant formula
                                milk, when water may be contaminated and
                                feeding bottles cannot be sterilized,
                                contributes to the risk and has been shown
                                to lead to an increase in diarrhoeal
                                disease in infants.

                                "Breastfeeding is actually even more
                                crucial under emergency conditions because
                                children under five, and infants in
                                particular, are at an increased risk of
                                infection, disease and malnutrition,"
                                Winoto said.

                                "Breastfeeding should be seen as a
                                life-saving intervention," she said.

                                In an emergency situation, establishing
                                private spaces for mothers and infants,
                                one-to-one counselling and mother-to-mother
                                support is needed to encourage
                                breastfeeding, say UNICEF and the World
                                Health Organization (WHO).

                                "As part of emergency preparedness,
                                hospitals and other healthcare services
                                should have trained health workers who can
                                help mothers establish breastfeeding and
                                overcome difficulties," said WHO
                                Director-General Margaret Chan in a
                                statement to mark World Breastfeeding Week
                                in August.

                                Both UNICEF and WHO advocate exclusive
                                breastfeeding for children up to six months
                                of age, and continued breastfeeding and
                                complementary feeding until age two.

                                Dangerous donations

                                But one obstacle to breastfeeding during
                                emergencies is unsolicited or uncontrolled
                                donations of breast-milk substitutes, which
                                undermine breastfeeding, according to
                                UNICEF and WHO.

                                Following a 7.9 magnitude earthquake in
                                West Sumatra on 30 September, UNICEF
                                Indonesia, worked with the country's Health
                                Ministry, and contacted local and national
                                radio stations to broadcast requests to
                                stop milk-substitute donations.

                                "It's a huge problem, and the problem lies
                                in the lack of knowledge among the donors
                                on the potential harm," said Winoto.

                                Meanwhile, coordination in emergencies also
                                remains a challenge, with little capacity
                                to locate only those children who truly
                                need infant formula and not disrupt
                                breastfeeding practices, she said.

                                "In our experience, it's gotten better but
                                it's still a huge challenge because there
                                are so many actors when an emergency comes,
                                and so many donations," she said.

                                Helping with trauma

                                Besides the health benefits, breastfeeding
                                advocates underline the psycho-social
                                benefit of maintaining the activity during
                                an emergency, which is traumatic for babies
                                and young children, experts say.

                                "In an emergency, keeping the baby on the
                                breast is not only about nutrition, it is
                                giving the child that security and
                                closeness when it is scared," Elvira
                                Henares-Esguerra, director of the
                                Philippine NGO Children for Breastfeeding,
                                told IRIN.

                                In the aftermath of Typhoon Ketsana, which
                                caused massive flooding in the Philippines
                                in September, Henares-Esguerra and a
                                handful of breastfeeding mothers with their
                                children visited an evacuation centre.

                                They demonstrated breastfeeding practices,
                                and encouraged displaced mothers to do the

                                "We discovered that infant formula was
                                being given out by the government at
                                evacuation centres," said Henares-Esguerra.

                                "We wanted to encourage the mothers to
                                breastfeed," she said.


                                Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the
                                documents carried by the ReliefWeb site are
                                those of the authors and are not
                                necessarily shared by UN OCHA or the
                                ReliefWeb secretariat. Inclusion of links
                                to sites outside the United Nations does
                                not imply endorsement of the contents of
                                those sites. Any user comments added to
                                forwarded Email messages are those of the
                                comment authors.

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