This document has been forwarded from the ReliefWeb site.

Sender: Sjamsir Sjarif (

Comment from Sjamsir Sjarif:
Dari Reliefweb kito caliak berita ko bara gadangnyo karugian nan dialami
akibat malapetaka gampo dahsyat ko. Ambo porowaikkan berita ko untuak kito
baco basamo di Lapau.
Sjamsir Sjarif

Source: Xinhua
Date: 15 Nov 2009

JAKARTA, Nov 15, 2009 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- The earthquake measuring 7.9
                                             on the Richter scale and
                                             subsequent landslides that
                                             devastated Indonesia's West
                                             Sumatra province on September
                                             30, 2009, inflicted a loss of
                                             an estimated 21.58 trillion
                                             rupiah (about 2.2 billion U.
                                             S. dollars), an official said.

                                             The greatest loss came from
                                             damage to houses accounting
                                             for 74 percent of the total
                                             losses, Antara news agency on
                                             Sunday quoted West Sumatra
                                             Deputy Governor Marlis Rahman
                                             as saying.

                                             The figure was based on the
                                             results of a final
                                             verification which put the
                                             number of damaged houses at
                                             249,833, he said.

                                             Of the total, 114,797 houses
                                             were destroyed and leveled to
                                             the ground, while 67,198
                                             houses underwent moderate
                                             damage and 67.838 others minor
                                             damage, he said.

                                             The province's Padang Pariaman
                                             district was hit hardest by
                                             the quake with material losses
                                             estimated at 8.67 trillion
                                             rupiah ( about 870 million
                                             U.S. dollars), he said.

                                             The social sector was the
                                             second hit hardest by the
                                             quake and landslides with
                                             hundreds of places of worship,
                                             school buildings and public
                                             health institutions damaged,
                                             the district head said.

                                             The quake killed at least
                                             1,195 people and injured
                                             thousands of others.

                                             Disclaimer: The opinions
                                             expressed in the documents
                                             carried by the ReliefWeb site
                                             are those of the authors and
                                             are not necessarily shared by
                                             UN OCHA or the ReliefWeb
                                             secretariat. Inclusion of
                                             links to sites outside the
                                             United Nations does not imply
                                             endorsement of the contents of
                                             those sites. Any user comments
                                             added to forwarded Email
                                             messages are those of the
                                             comment authors.

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