Apparently the RECAP implementation in RDKit cleaves bonds within ring
motifs in the case of amines, e.g. in the case of imatinib or in the
example given in the original paper.

I tried to modify the SMARTS pattern a bit in order to reproduce the
cisapride example, without success. The original algorithm does not
seem to work in a step-wise manner leading to a tree-like result. That
is why a propyl group appears as a resulting fragment in the example,
which is within the molecule in the first place but would be a
terminal group in the RDKit implementation and therefore not be
cleaved of course.

Cisapride: c...@h]1cn(CCCOc2ccc(F)cc2)c...@h]1nc(=O)c3cc(Cl)c(N)cc3OC
Imatinib: CN1CCN(Cc2ccc(cc2)C(=O)Nc3ccc(C)c(Nc4nccc(n4)c5cccnc5)c3)CC1

example from paper:

RDKit fragments (Leaves) of cisapride:


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