I have just built the current snapshot of RDKit from the git repo on a
MacBook Pro with the latest macOS (Catalina 10.15.3).  I used the conda
build recipe from

conda create -n rdkit-dev-build python=3.6 -c rdkit
conda activate rdkit-dev-build
conda install numpy matplotlib cmake cairo pillow eigen pkg-config
boost-cpp boost py-boost
pip install yapf==0.11.1 coverage==3.7.1
export PYROOT=/Users/david/anaconda3/envs/rdkit-dev-build
cmake -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$PYROOT/include/python3.6m  \

make install

If run python in the build directory, I can import the python modules, but
not from another directory.  How do I add the rdkit libraries to my conda
environment so that they can be seen from anywhere, just like the
production env I installed directly from conda?

I have tried pointing PYTHONPATH and sys.path (separately) at the build
directory, and build/lib, but to no avail.  In both cases I get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/david/Projects/RDKit/rdkit/rdkit/__init__.py", line 2, in
    from .rdBase import rdkitVersion as __version__
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/david/Projects/RDKit/rdkit/rdkit/rdBase.so, 2):
Library not loaded: @rpath/libRDKitRDBoost.1.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/david/Projects/RDKit/rdkit/rdkit/rdBase.so
  Reason: image not found

which looks like it is almost working.


David Cosgrove
Freelance computational chemistry and chemoinformatics developer
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

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